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Yoongi pov

If I were to say I'm not anxious I'll be fucking lying. I texted Jimin to come meet me at an ice cream shop which I know he likes to come here whenever his mood is down. Honestly I thought he had me blocked and I didn't expect to get a message back in seconds. That just made me feel like the biggest piece of shit ever. I've been practicing since yesterday what I'm going to say to him I know he's too nice and will probably forgive me, the only problem is if we could ever go back how we used to be.

It's honestly a dumb thought of course we couldn't even if we wanted, I fucked up big time and this is the price I gotta pay. I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard the little bell ring signaling that someone came in.

And there he was wearing a pair of white shoes, light blue skinny jeans, and a white long sleeved shirt. When he saw me he let out a small smile and hurried towards me, once he sat down I saw his busted lip and his purple eye. And once again I started to feel like shit.

"So Yoongi why did you asked me to meet up"? Jimin asked with a shaky voice.

I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and with a shaky voice I said,

"I want to apologize for what happened, I wasn't in the right state of mind. I really regret what I did to you and if you don't forgive me that's fine I totally understand, I just wish things could go back how they used to be."

Jimin just stared at me not moving a muscle it was as if we was processing things then he broke his silence,

"Yoongi I should be the one to apologize I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place, you hitting me was just the consequences of my own actions. I also wish to go back how things used to be"

"Jimin no, kissing is not a big deal I should've never laid a hand on you, actually that's what I kinda wanted to talk about"

"What is it?" Jimin said nervously

I let out a deep sigh and said,

"I've always known about your feelings towards me, you weren't that great at hiding them. So I always expected that one day you will end up confessing. That night I was just confused about my own feelings I panicked and did and said some shit that I shouldn't done. I just want to say is that I'm going to try and figure my own feelings if that's okay with you".

Jimin's cheeks turned red it looked like two cute tomatoes.

"That's embarrassing so you knew all this time why didn't you said something then" he asked.

"I didn't know how to bring it up" I answered truthfully.

Jimin sighed and then said,

"I'll forgive you only if you forgive me how's that"

I let out a small smile and said 'that sounds good to me'

He smiled brightly and then said,

"Lastly I want to say is that there's no rush in you figuring out your feelings I'll be patient also if it ends up with you not feeling anything towards me just please don't leave me behind I will re-

I cut him off with a kiss it was small and short since we were in public and I didn't want to disturb any of the customers. Once our lips parted I answered.

"Look so far I only know that I like you let's just see what builds up from this"

Jimin's face grew hot and red he covered his face with his small hands. I chuckled seeing the mess he was. I quickly sent a message to Tae telling him that I've fixed everything and once I sent it I took Jimin out by the hand outside he was a mess the entire time, I decided that I'll spend the day with him and that's exactly what we did.


Kinda short but this is a bit of a filler chapter hope you like it also thank you for all of the reads love you guys so much💜

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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