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Taehyung pov

Last night was pretty strange I wasn't really expecting to meet Jungkook's parents, well brother and his boyfriend, anyways they were still his guardians. Another thing is that this is probably making them think that I'm close to him which is the total opposite why would I even be close to him this is nothing but a punishment I have to endure because of that stupid fight.

Of course I won't say that and also I made a promise with Jin even if I just met the guy I always keep my promises no matter what.

I haven't told Yoongi nor Jimin any about this call me selfish but I don't want them to know who Jungkook is. They don't even know how he looks like and I prefer to keep it that way. In all honesty I don't know if that's because I want to protect him or me.

After a couple minutes I arrived to school and hurried up to class and as usual there was Jungkook sitting down in the reading section with an upside down book.

I chuckled a bit when I saw him, and as soon as he heard me he looked up and saw me, he grinned and jumped on top of me. I smiled and hugged him while picking him up. I have to admit that sometimes he is cute and I just can't resist. He looked so happy and I remembered that it might be because yesterday I said I was his friend the poor boy has never had a single friend before so I decided not to be an asshole and treat him good.

Also how can I ruin his precious smile I might be an asshole but I'm not heartless.

"How are you bunny" I asked while I messed with his hair. He giggled and smiled while he hugged me now more tightly.

"Do you want to watch a movie" I asked him. There was a small TV in the classroom and of course it was full with kid friendly shows and movies so that's why I never watched it.

He nodded his head and waddled towards the TV looking at the options he later settled down with Mulan. So that's what we started watching while cuddling. Twenty minutes passed by and suddenly I got a message I checked it and saw that it was from Jennie she was asking me to meet up with her in the janitors closet.

If you are wondering why is she texting me let's just say that once I left Jungkook's house yesterday I wasn't in the mood to go back home so I went over to her place and some stuff happened that didn't involved clothes.

I sighed and started debating with myself weather I should go or not. At the end I decided to go so I told Jungkook that I had to use the restroom he whined and wanted to follow me but I assured him that it wasn't going to take long.

I went to the janitors closet and she was already there, once I entered she grabbed me by my neck and started to kiss me. I didn't kissed her back for some reason I felt guilty for even coming here in the first place. I pushed her back and ask her the reason she wanted to meet up in the first place.

"What am I not allowed to see my boyfriend" she said while giggling and hugging me.

I chuckled and said "Just because we fucked last night doesn't mean that we are dating, now fuck off will you".

"What are you talking about? You said you loved me and that I was the only girl that can satisfy you"! She said desperately.

"Don't tell me you actually believed that shit, I can't believe you are actually this stupid. Look just don't ever come near me again, don't text me, don't call me, and don't even look at me if you don't want the whole school to know how big of a slut you actually are". I said while staring at her with a blank expression.

She immediately tense up and gulped, she let go of me slowly and looked down. I opened the door ready to leave when I heard her saying "this isn't over" in a low voice. I shrugged it off and started to walk to the class knowing that Kookie is waiting for me. Once I opened the door I saw him sitting down in one of the chairs looking at the door.

"What were you doing bubs"?

"W-waiting for Tae Tae" he answered while looking down. I smiled and picked him up and once again we cuddled while watching the movie in the small couch.

Once we finished the movie we started to do a lot of different activities. I read him three books, we played with some of the toys, we played hide and seek which was super easy because we were in a classroom and there wasn't many places you could hide.

Later on he got tired and hungry so he went for his cute lunchbox and sat on the mat but what surprised me was that he had packed double lunch. And that's when he said,

"Eomma pack Tae Tae lunch" .

My heart melted at the sight he was holding my lunch with his tiny hands while staring at me with his doe eyes. I thank him and took the lunch, now we were both eating in silence just appreciating each other's presence.

Until he later broke it saying "Is Tae Tae weally K-Kookie's fwiend"?

I looked at him and sighed "Of course I am Kookie" I said while smiling.

He squealed and tackled me in a hug, he then kissed my cheek which caught me by surprise but nonetheless I loved it. Maybe being his friend won't be bad after all, that day I decided that I won't ever hurt him and I will stick by his side forever.

Once he calmed down he started eating again, well more like me feeding him but that's alright, later we finished eating and we started to build a small puzzle on the table. It was super cute seeing Jungkook's concentrating face.

We were about half done when someone bursted through the door startling Kookie. I turned around and saw Jimin standing there with a purple eye and a busted lip.

I was about to ask what happened when Jungkook beat me to it.

"Who a-are you"? He asked Jimin innocently.

"I'm Jimin, Taehyung's friend, can I ask your name cutie"?

"I'm Kookie and I'm a-also Tae Tae fwiend" he said happily.

"Nice to meet you Kookie would you mind if I steal Taehyung for a minute"?

Jungkook shook his head giving him full permission to take me away. So Jimin grabbed me by my arm and lead us outside the classroom and as soon as he closed the door Jimin broke down in sobs.

"Hey what's the matter, what happened to you" I said trying to comfort him.

"Do I need to beat someone up, talk to me Jimin"

"You can't do anything it was my own fault"

He started to calm down and then he said something that I never thought he will ever say.

"I kissed Yoongi"


This has to be one of my favorite chapters💜

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This has to be one of my favorite chapters💜

I am finally back I apologize for the wait I've been super busy with school and other stuff but I promise that from now on I will update sooner. 💜

We just hit 500 reads I'm super hyped and I hope you guys are liking the story so far. 💜

Please let me know what you think about it. 💜

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