Truth or Dare

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

The ninja are always busy saving Ninjago.  It just seems like it's constant battle after battle after battle for them.  It's hard to find any moment where they can get a break.  They enjoy being Ninjago's protectors, but it can get exhausting sometimes.

The ninja were ecstatic to finally get some time off.  They discussed what to do with their free time and when Lloyd suggested camping, all of the ninja happily agreed.  They packed up everything that they would need to go camping for a night and left.  They went into the forest, found a nice spot to camp for the night, and set up their tents.

"It's nice for the six of us to hand out, just us," Jay told Nya as they were finishing setting up their tent.

"We don't get a lot of time off and even when we do, we all go off and do our own thing," Nya said.  "Although, I am glad that we managed to get a tent to ourselves."

"Me too."

"When you two lovebirds are done, come over here and help us with the fire!" they both heard Kai calling them over.

Jay and Nya started walking over to the others who were around a pile of wood.  It was starting to get dark and cold.  "Kai, you realize that you are the elemental master of fire, right?" Nya said.  "You can just use your powers to light the fire."

"Oh...right."  Kai lit his hand on fire and directed it at the wood which started their campfire.

"Who wants to roast some marshmallows to make s'mores?" Cole asked and passed the bag of marshmallows around.

"So, should we play a game?" Lloyd asked.

"What game should we play?" Zane asked.

"What about truth or dare?" Nya suggested.

"Works for me," Kai said.

"Let's do it," Cole said.

Everyone sat down around the fire, but they didn't notice that there was someone hidden behind the trees watching them.

"I'll start," Nya said.  "Kai, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Kai said.

"I dare you to not use your hair gel tomorrow morning."

"WHAT?!!!  Nya, you can't be serious!"  Kai was pratically begging his sister to not have that dare.

"I'm dead serious."  She glanced at the green ninja.  "A little help, Lloyd."

"Sure," Lloyd said and went over to Kai's bag to grab his hair gel and he dumped it out.

"NO!!!" Kai yelled.

"Sorry Kai," Nya said.  "You picked dare."

"Ok fine."  Kai looked around for his victim.  "Lloyd, truth or dare."

"Truth," Lloyd said nervously.

"No dare?"

"I'm not crazy!  I was just the one who dumped your hair gel."

"Fine."  Kai thought of a good question to ask Lloyd.  "What were you really doing last week when you got out of training by telling Master Wu you were sick?"


"Tell us what you were doing."

"I-I wasn't doing anything.  I-I was sick."

Everyone could tell Lloyd was lying.  "You picked truth, so you have to answer honestly," Jay told him.

"Fine," Lloyd caved.  "I wanted to have a day off for once, so I hid in my room watching TV and reading comic books."

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