Tiger Widow Island

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

"We're here," Nya told the others.  After Kai and Zane got up, they started heading for Tiger Widow Island.  Nya gave them the directions she remembered from the alternate timeline.  She was surprised with herself for remembering how to get to it so well.  They were all currently looking over the edge of the Bounty where they saw an island.

"Are you sure about this, Nya?" Kai asked his sister.

"Yes.  It's going to be dangerous, but we don't really have a choice.  It's the only thing that can slow down a djinn, but we have to be careful because it can kill a human."

"Are you sure there's no other way to stop him?" Lloyd asked.

"I'm sure.  This is the only way we'll be able to stop Nadakhan and save Jay and I'll go get it alone if I have to."

"No," Cole spoke up.  "We'll all go.  Right, guys?"

The others nodded.

"Let's get going," Nya said.

Misfortune's Keep

Nadakhan was watching Jay attempting to fight back in another round of Scrap-N-Tap.  He was pleased with how Jay was failing to fight off the pirates.

The djinn has also secretly been keeping an eye on the other ninja to know what they're planning.  He didn't want the ninja to interfere with his revenge.  He wasn't going to lose this time.

He knew that they were on Tiger Widow Island to get the Tiger Widow Venom.  He turnedto FLintlocke who was standing right next to him.  "Flintlocke, take Doubloon, Monkey Wretch, and Dogshank and go stop the ninja," Nadakhan instructed.  "They must not be able to escape with the venom."

"Aye, aye, captain!" Flintlocke said and left to go grab the others.

Nadakhan smiled at how blindly Flintlocke follows him.  He is glad that none of his crew remembers the other timeline.  If Flintlocke and Dogshank remembered what happened, there would be no way they would be on his side.

Tiger Widow Island

The ninja were making their way to the cave where the Tiger Widow was hiding.  After walking for a bit, they found the cave.

"You guys stay out here," Nya said.  "I'll go in and get the venom."  She really didn't want to because of what the venom did to her last time, but she knew someone had to do it in order to save Jay.  She figured now was as good a time as any to face her fears.

"No," Cole spoke up.  "I'll go in and get the venom.  You told us how you were killed by the venom in the alternate timeline, so you shouldn't be the one to do this."

"Are you sure, Cole?"

"Yeah."  He grabbed the empty canteen from Nya.  "Besides, it's my fault we're in this mess."

"Be careful, Cole," Lloyd said.  Cole nodded and ran into the cave.

"Should someone go help him?" Kai asked.

"I would say your hands are full, ninja."  Lloyd, Kai, Zane, and Nya turned around when they heard that voice and were faced with four of the sky pirates.  The four ninja got into their fighting stances as the sky pirates started charging them.

Lloyd ended up fighting Flintlocke.  Nya told him how accurate Flintlocke's shots are so he tried to keep moving to make himself a harder target.  He also figured that if Flintlocke had turned on Nadakhan in the other timeline, maybe he could convince him to turn now.  "Why are you working for Nadakhan?"

"He helped me, so now it's only fair that I'm a part of his crew," Flintlocke said.

"But how did he make you part of his crew?  He made you make wishes that backfired, didn't he?"

"That's none of your concern."

"Nadakhan is holding one of my friends prisoner because he managed to outsmart Nadakhan with a wish in a timeline that no longer exists."

"If it no longer exists then how do you remember it?"

"I don't, but a couple of my friends do including the one that's Nadakhan's prisoner and they told me that in the alternate timeline, you ended up switching sides."

"And why would I have done that?"

"Because you realized that what Nadakhan was doing was wrong!"

"Nice try, but I owe Nadakhan and would never betray him."

Kai was fighting Doubloon.  "You don't talk much, do you?" Kai asked.

Doubloon just kept using his staff to try to hit Kai while the red ninja dodged, but didn't say anything.

"Fine.  I guess I'll do all the talking."

Suddenly, Doubloon did Spinjitzu which Kai was not expecting.

"Nya, you were supposed to give me information like that!" Kai yelled to his sister.

"Sorry!" Nya responded.  "I told Lloyd and Cole last night!"

"Well, that's not telling me!"

Zane was busy fighting Monkey Wretch.  Monkey Wretch had already tried a few times to get to a part of Zane where he could try to disassemble him.  Luckily, Zane managed to catch him every time, but that monkey was fast.  "I would not advise you to do that," Zane said as Monkey Wretch yet again tried to find a spot to disassemble him.  Zane kept fighting off the monkey pirate.

Nya was fighting against Dogshank.  She didn't appreciate when Kai was yelling at her because Dogshank almost hit her a couple of times while that was happening.  Dogshank is strong which means that if she did land a hit on Nya, it would hurt.  "You hang around boys a lot too, don't you?" Nya tries to make conversation.

"Yes, I do," Dogshank said.

"I bet they can get so annoying sometimes."

"They can."  The two girls continued to fight.

Meanwhile, Cole was in the cave trying to find the spider.  You would think a giant, venomous spider would be easy to find but nope.  Apparently, the tiger widow is good at hiding.  "Here spidey, spidey," Cole said.  "I just want a bit of you venom to stop an evil djinn and save my best friend.  Agh!  Where is this spider hiding?!"  Just then, he heard a noise behind him and slowly turned around and saw the spider that he was looking for.

A/N: Sorry this took so long.  I've been busy with work, school, and more recently, soccer season.  I hope you enjoyed!

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