Ninja vs. Nadakhan

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

When Flintlocke brought the ninja back to the Misfortune's Keep, they all knew that they couldn't get caught.  They were back to using disguises like in the erased timeline and they told Lloyd no talking.  He's still terrible at acting like a pirate.  They also built a replica ship like the ones that the pirates use.  They decided that Zane would stay at the ship while Cole and Nya went with Flintlocke.  Lloyd and Kai would sneak into to djinn's quarters to plant the Tiger Widow venom.

Cole, Nya, and Flintlocke snuck through the ship and when they got to the cage, Dogshank was there.  Cole and Nya went to hide and watched as Flintlocke just walked right up to her.  "You ninja don't need to hide with her," Flintlocke told them.  "She's helping us."

Cole and Nya slowly stepped out.  "Sorry, we didn't realize Flintlocke had managed to get you back on our side," Nya said.

"No worries," Dogshank said.  "Flintlocke is the person I trust the most on this ship and if he says that Nadakhan is up to something, I believe him.  Plus, us strong ladies should stick together."  Dogshank sent a smile towards Nya and Nya has to admit that out of all the sky pirates, she never really minded Dogshank.

"Yeah," Nya agreed.  "Thank you for your help."

"Don't thank me yet.  Let's get all of you out of here."  Dogshank went to use her strength on the bars, but Flintlocke stopped her.

"Let's use the keys," Flintlocke said as he pulled out the keys.  "We want to avoid this being traced back to us until Nadakhan is dealt with."

"Hopefully, Lloyd and Kai will do their part," Cole said.

"Why did we put those two together?" Nya realized.

"They'll take this seriously, I hope."

Flintlocke opened the door to Jay's cell and Nya quickly ran inside with Cole following closely behind.  "Jay!" Nya whisper-yelled when she got to him.  Nya gently shook him with the only response being a small groan.  "He's badly hurt," she said to Cole.

"We need to get him to the hospital," Cole said.  "I don't even think Zane can give him the help he needs."

"Come on, ninja," Flintlocke said.  "We need to get you out of here before you can help him."

Cole picked Jay up and he along with Nya, got out of the cell, and followed Flintlocke and Dogshank back towards the direction they came from.

Meanwhile, Lloyd and Kai were sneaking around to try to get to Nadakhan's quarters.  "Remember, Kai," Lloyd whispered.  "We have to be completely silent when we go in there.  One wrong move and we're toast."

"Relax, Lloyd," Kai responded.  "We're ninja.  We got this."

Lloyd rolled his eyes.  Honestly, it was probably a mistake to pair them together because Kai can get Lloyd to do crazy things sometimes and that's not what they needed right now.  Lloyd needed to keep a leveled head and not go along with any plan Kai comes up with.  If he did though, he could use the excuse that Kai made him do it like he always does when he uses a Kai plan.

They snuck into Nadakhan's quarters quietly closing the door behind them.  They saw Nadakhan asleep on the bed and knew that their best chance was to stay as quiet as possible.  They went over to the table in his room and Kai tried to take the cap off the top, but accidentally knocked over a bottle that Nadakhan had there.  It fell onto the ground and shattered.  Kai turned his head to see Lloyd glaring at him.  "Maybe he didn't hear it," Kai whispered.

"Yes, green ninja.  Maybe he didn't hear it."  They both turned around and saw Nadakhan behind them with a sword in hand.  He swung at them and both ninja easily dodged.  They took out their own swords and started trying to keep Nadakhan back.  "How did you ninja get here?" Nadakhan asked.  "How did you know where I took your blue ninja?"

"We have our ways," Kai said.  "And you'll never find out."

Lloyd created a green energy ball that he used to hit a spot behind Nadakhan and blind him momentarily so he and Kai could escape.  They ran until they got the where the other group was currently trying to sneak out.

"What happened?!" Nya asked.  "Why do you still have the venom, Kai?!"

"About that, we kind of have a problem," Kai said.

"That you caused," Lloyd added.  "Either way, we have to get out of here."

"You ninja won't be leaving any time soon," Nadakhan said as he approached them.  "Of course, you have a couple of traitors with you."  He was referring to Flintlocke and Dogshank.

"Cole, get Jay out of here," Nya ordered.  "We'll take care of him."

Cole nodded and immediately started running with Jay. 

The others including Flintlocke and Dogshank started fighting Nadakhan.  Nadakhan was very hard for all of them to fight.  The way he could just poof away before any of them hit him was especially challenging.  Nadakhan managed to knock the venom away from Kai, but didn't look to see that it landed in front of Nya.  She looked at the venom and the sword in her hand and got an idea.  Nadakhan knocked everyone down and started walking towards Lloyd.  He wanted to kill the blue ninja, but for now, he guesses he can settle for green.  Nya ran up behind him and stabbed him in the back.  Nadakhan looked down and saw a sword through him with tiger widow venom all over it.  Nya had poured the venom over the sword before stabbing Nadakhan. "I've been waiting a long time to do this," Nya whispered to Nadakhan.  "Now, you will never mess with me, Jay, or anybody ever again."  She pulled the sword out and she dropped it on the ground.  She wouldn't be able to use it again anyway since she can't touch anything except the handle.  Nadakhan crumpled to the floor and they all watched as he took his last breath.

They did it.  They defeated Nadakhan.  The next question is: what happens now?

A/N: There's going to be one more chapter to finish this story!  I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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