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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

"I really had to ask where this spider was, didn't I?!" Cole said as he was running around the cave and trying not to let the spider bite him.  Cole was about to use his powers to bring the rocks on the roof of the cave come crumbling down on top of the spider, but then realized that would kill the spider and they need the spider alive for the venom.  Cole continued running around the cave and trying to come up with a plan on how to get the venom.  He ended up using some rocks to surround the spider so it couldn't escape.  He went on top of the rock cage he created and used his powers to get another big rock and put it in the spider's mouth to extract the venom.  He got the venom in the canteen he had and got out of the cave as fast as he could.

When he got out of the cave, he saw the others fighting sky pirates.  "Get back to the Bounty!" Nya yelled to Cole once she saw him come out of the cave.  The Tiger Widow Venom was too important, so Nya wanted Cole to get it back to the Bounty as fast as possible.

Cole listened to Nya and started running back to the Bounty.  Flintlocke noticed this and attempted to aim his gun at the master of earth, but Lloyd stopped him.  "Not so fast!" he said as he managed to knock the gun out of Flintlocke's hands.  He pointed one of his katanas at a defenseless Flintlocke.  "Believe me, you do not want to trust Nadakhan.  Try asking him the real reason he took one of my friends prisoner.  I'm sure that he won't tell you the real reason."  Lloyd lowered the katana.  "Come find us once you realize the truth."  He looked up to the others.  "Come on, guys!  We need to go!"  The other ninja knocked their opponents back enough so they could run out of there with Lloyd.  They caught back up to Cole at the Bounty and quickly took off before the sky pirates could catch up with them.

The five of them were gathered in the control room.  Cole put down the canteen with the venom on the table and looked at the others.  "So...what are we going to do now?" Cole asked.  "We have the venom.  How are we going to save Jay?"

"First, we need to figure out where Nadakhan is holding him," Lloyd said.

"He would obviously be holding Jay in his flying ship, the Misfortune's Keep," Nya answered.

"Ok.  Where would his ship be?"

"I don't know.  It could literally be anywhere."

"We could start scanning for it," Zane said.  "But it might take a while to scan all of Ninjago."

"Do it, Zane," Lloyd told him.  "At the moment, we have no other way to locate the ship."

Zane nodded and went to begin scanning.  Nya went with him to help him out.  She was going to do anything she could to get Jay back.

"What are we supposed to do?" Kai asked Lloyd.

Lloyd looked to Cole and Kai.  "Let's go out to the deck and maybe we'll get lucky enough to spot the...Misfortune's Keep?"

"You got it right," Nya verified as she was still helping out Zane.

"Let's go," Lloyd said to Cole and Kai and the three of them walked out to the deck of the Bounty.

Misfortune's Keep

"What do you mean they got away with the venom?!" Nadakhan yelled at his crew.

"They were ready for us to show up, Cap'n," Flintlocke said.  "They seemed to know us, but we haven't found them before."

Nadakhan turned away from them.  "Yes, well, maybe they did some research.  You guys can leave now."  Everyone except Nadakhan and Flintlocke left the room.  Flintlocke didn't actually buy the answer that the ninja did 'research.'  "I thought I told you to leave," Nadakhan said.

"I wanted to ask you something, Cap'n," Flintlocke said.

"What is it?"

"I wanted to ask you why you wanted to take the blue ninja as a prisoner so bad.  I don't have any recollection of us dealing with him at all before."

"I dealt with him before I brought all of you back together.  He gave me a lot of trouble, so I want to torture him for all of the trouble he caused me.  Does that answer your question?"

"Yes, it does, Cap'n."  Flintlocke left the room.

Truthfully, Nadakhan was actually worried about Flintlocke.  He didn't want Flintlocke to betray him again like he did in the alternate timeline.

Flintlocke started walking around the ship.  Nadakhan's explanation didn't add up with what he had told them when he brought them all back together.  He had previously said that he had just got released from the teapot and wanted to bring them all back together right away.  He didn't want to doubt Nadakhan, but he was starting to think that the green ninja might have been telling the truth.  There was only one way he knew of to find out.  He walked over to where the cell was that they were keeping the blue ninja in.  He saw said ninja laying on the ground.  They had beaten him so much that he didn't blame him.  He was probably trying to get some sleep.  Flintlocke didn't really want to disturb him at the moment, but he had to know.  "Wake up, ninja.  I have a few questions to ask you."

Jay groaned and looked up.  He was surprised to see Flintlocke there.  "What do you want?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

"I need to know how you met Nadakhan."

"You won't believe me."

"Just give me your honest answer."

"I fought him in an alternate timeline.  He tricked me into making two wishes, but I refused to make a third.  I was his prisoner in that timeline for a while too.  He wanted to marry Nya to get infinite wishes.  Eventually, you and Dogshank realized Nadakhan wasn't being honest with you and switched sides.  You shot the Tiger Widow Venom at Nadakhan.  Unfortunately, it also hit Nya.  I used my last wish and it reversed time and it was like the whole thing never happened.  Nya and I were the only ones out of our team to remember it."

He mentioned the same alternate timeline that the green ninja did, just in more detail.  Nadakhan was lying.  "Thank you," Flintlocke said and walked off.

Jay didn't know why Flintlocke wanted to know so badly, but at the moment he just wanted to get some sleep before they started torturing him again.

A/N: Sorry this took so long.  I hope you enjoyed!

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