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My stomach started to ache. Not like its a surprise. I need to find a new civilization to dwell in for a days at least, then I'll sneak in some supplies. I was always independent. In school, when the teacher told us to work in groups, I hated that. You never know what those people could do. They obviously drag you down. Then they make up excuses. Then you bend the rules just a bit because you felt bad, or you were too nice. But then you fail the project, because of them. That was when school was actually a thing. Before the whole world turned to shit. But I can't be talking now that I depend on others for survival. It was never hard to leave a group. I always made sure to never get too attached but to never be too "mysterious."

Finally. I thought to myself. I looked at the big building in front of me. There was a campfire in the bare front. It looked like a huge group of people in the front. Im sure that wasn't all of them though, some could be sleeping in the building. It was just after the sun set anyways. Time to act. I breathed in and out trying to calm myself. I set my position back in the trees so it didn't look like I was right in front of them. I needed them to find me. I fake fell and ruffled the leaves.

"Help me!" I yelled, I made sure to add a "worried tone" to it. I then heard some talking and fast paced footsteps on the concrete then leaves. I started to "cry" and I made sure it was realistic. I had plenty of practice.

"Ma'am are you okay?" The lady said, concerned. She put her hand on my shoulder as she knelt down. A couple of others came and they looked worried.

"T-t-they were chasing me. A couple of r-raiders. They raided my home and killed everyone! Please, help m-me." I cried and shook to give it a more realistic look. 

"Hurry up and get her inside." One of the men ordered. I smiled through my tears as he was kind enough to. 

Always works, I thought and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" One of them questioned with a "mad" look.

"Perry!?" One of the girls hit him. 

"She was smiling. Like we were giving in." Perry says.

Since when did he decide to become a smart ass. Maybe he was like me before. Shit Sid this is why you need to be more discreet.

"I-Im just glad there are people who are kind like you. More decent human beings!" I explained. I felt a blanket wrap around me and they sat me by the fire.

"I'll get tea." She says. I nod and smile and wipe some of my tears away. Perry still looked very suspicious of me, eyeing me casually but I didn't mind. Most of them gave in. Now just don't smile Sid when you're around people. How could I be so careless? Later that night, fewer people were outside and most of them were sleeping. They gave me some sort of soup. Thats what I found very common among people. Everyone makes soup. But I obviously don't mind. Now this honestly wasn't the best soup I've ever had. This other group that was super mean to me had the most amazing chef. I wish I could've took her but then again, don't wanna get attached. Bad group with the best food. I was sipping my soup by the fire till i heard someone call me.

"Come on! Were all going to bed." They said.

"But, Im not ready yet. Im still eating." I told the man.

I could hear him starting to sigh angrily and clenched his fists but another person joined the conversation.

"Ill keep watch of her. When shes done I'll escort her to her room." A calm voice said. I turned to look and it was a male with black hair. Fairly slim. 

"Yeah yeah whatever." The man said turning his back.

I just kept my eyes on the fire and didn't look at him. I could see him eyeing me at times though in my peripheral vision. 

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