Chapter 9

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Hi guys! so sorry that I haven't updated in so long I have been really busy but I am still trying to write and post when I can. Thanks for the support xx

Liam's POV

I just got a call from Niall. I immediately picked up the phone to hear the sound of punching and kicking and the sound of a large weight that fell on the floor. I immediately panicked and got the rest of the boys. I told them the situation and we immediatly went looking for Niall.

I was walking down the hall looking for him when I turned the corner and found him passed out with many bruises and red hand marks all over him. I yelled for Harry and then the rest of the boys. They came when I called and saw the look of him.

"Call 911 Louis!" I said

"Harry come a comfort him and make sure that he is ok!"

"Zayn go get security while I got get some ice"

They all nodded and went to do everything. Harry went and put Niall's head in his lap softy stroking his hair. I got 2 ice packs placing one on his stomach and one on his face. Zayn got security and told them to get everyone out of the way and into the classrooms and to close the blinds. Louis called 911 and in seconds they came. There was only one person allowed to go with him in the ambulence so we told Harry that he should go since he was the closest thing to family. I told Haz that we would meet him there and that we would take another car.

"Oh the next time I see those boys they are in for it." I yelled. The rest of the boys nodded their head in agreement and said that they were going to beat them up the next time we saw them. We arrived at the hospital and saw Haz sitting in a chair crying. We immediatly ran up to him asking if everything was ok.

He said that they took him away and that they havent told him anything yet. He told us that he called his parents and that they said to take care of him. He said that we would and that we would call him for any updates. We sat down next to him and tried to comfrot him. We had been waiting for about 3 hours with no update until a doctor came in and said family for Horan. We immediately stood up and asked if everything was ok.

They said that he was going to be just fine but he has a broken ankle, sprained wrist, a couple broken ribs and bruises and stitches all over him. He also was going to have a tube down his throat to help him breathe because one of the choking. Everything was fine but it was helping him breathe until he woke up. They said that we could go and see him but that he wasn't awake yet but she should soon. We got up and follwed him into his room. When we opened the door he had a tube down his throat and was super pale. He had a bandage around his arm and a cast on his leg.

Louis's POV

We were just allowed into his room. He looked so pale and had a tube down his throat. He looked to peaceful though. Why did he do to deserve this. I looked over at Haz who was sitting next to him holding his hand silently crying. I saw that Liam and Zayn were both crying as well as I was. We all took a place around his bed and did a group hug being careful of him. We prayed that he would wake up soon.

It was starting to get late but none of us wanted to eat something. All we could do was wait and hope that he would wake up soon. The doctor and the nurses told us that only one of us could stay the night with him. We agreed that Haz should stay with him just incase something happened. We left shortly after and all hugging Haz. and leaving the room.

Harry's POV

Liam had just called us all and told us about Ni and what he heard through the phone. I went searching for him at once calling his name hoping that I would find him. Li found him and called me first and told me to hold Niall and make sure that nothing else happens to him and told the rest of the boys to do something else. The ambulence came shortly after Lou called and took him from me saying that only one of us could go with him in the ambulence. The rest of the boys said that it should be me so I hoped into the back and held Niall's hand. On the way to the hospital all they did was leave the ice pack on his stomach and hook him up to monitors.

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