Chapter 3

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Niall's POV

"I know but I really need to tell you something" I said

Just as I was about to tell him my phone went off. I answered the phone quickly and heard my parents panicking telling me to get Harry and get to the castles. Harry's parent were with mine and deperately needed us. I got off the phone and told Harry about the phone call and we rushed to pack a bag. Once we were packed I told Harry to tell the boys that we need to go to the castle. Luckily we didn't need to go until the day after tomorrow but since we would be in school all day we had to pack now. Haz and I rushed around the house grabbing things that we needed for the trip and ran downstairs to tell the rest of the boys.

After Harry told the rest of the boys about what happend they stopped the movie and started rushing to get a bag packed. Zayn asked it Perrie could join us and we happily said she could. We were all running around the house like mad men crashing into each other trying to get a bag packed. Once we were all packed we went straight to bed thinking about how long this week was going to be. Tonight I decided to sleep with Haz since we occasionally did it but tonight we were both super stressed about what was going on because they didn't tell us what happend. Haz and I talked about it for a little bit until we both fell asleep.

Harry's POV

Ni was about to tell me something that he really needed to say to me but his phone rang and interrupted his words. I was wondering who called him and I started to get worried. When he got off the phone and told me about our parents we rushed to pack and bag and ran downstairs to tell the rest of the boys. Once we told them they ran and packed a bag crashing into each other every step they took. We were all panicking about what it could be. Ni and I decided to sleep together because we couldn't stop worrying about our parents. I was hoping that it wouldn't be a big deal and that they just wanted us to visit and maybe have us do some of our royal duties that needed to happen at the castle instead of at school. Ni and I talked for a bit until we fell asleep. Tomorrrow we had school and after school we have to go to our castles.

Ni and I told each other everything. He knows that i'm gay but my parents don't know. Im worried that if I tell them they won't accept me but Ni told me that everything is going to be ok. What is what he was going to tell me that he was gay to? Oh god I can't stop thinking about what he was going to tell me. I feel asleep thinking about what Ni wanted to tell me.

Liam's POV

The next morning I woke up at 7:00 am and got the rest of the boys up. We had to go to school today and we were supposed to record today but since we have to go to the castles we decided that we would do it on the road instead of in a studio. We were working on a song for our second album that I think we are planning to call it Take Me Home. We were on the road most of the time but this weekend we got it off since we had been working so hard the past few months.

Today was our first day back at school and we were all pretty nervous. I went down and got 6 bowls of cereal ready for all of us so that we could quickly eat and head off to school. Once we all got into the car we listened to our first album and talked about each song. When we got to school we told principal Smith who told the rest of our teachers that we had to leave early due to royal duties. We have been doing all our school work on the road while we prepared for our first tour and while we wern't singing. We had math first, history second, litterature third, and music fourth. We only had these 4 classes today which was nice.

When we walked into the classroom everyone turned to us and started to ask a bunch of questions about x factor and what we were going to do about juggling both school and touring and singing. We looked at each other for a slight moment and decided that we would say the samething to some who asked a question about the band or singing we would respectfully say that we wern't going to talk about it. When we first walked into the school almost everyone swarmed us wanting to be friends with us because of how famous we had got. The day went by super slow and it was hard to get anything done with everyone staring at us. We all eventually got our work done and spaced out a bit until we all heard the Ms. Jones come up to us saying that we could leave now. We all got up and left and felt all the eyes turning to us watching us leave.

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