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Katsuki's POV:

"All right, let's go to the mall and fix our appearances. I look like a total nerd like this, I hate it. My hair is black, not green. I could leave some highlights in, though, how would that look? Maybe an undercut? What do you think, Kat?" Izuku asks me.

"I think it will look good on you, Zu," I say. He grins, and we go to the mall. He gets a black undercut with green highlights, I don't change my hair. We buy a bunch of new clothes, both street style with a tinge of emo. Things like graphic tees, jeans, bucket hats, chokers, beanies, crop tops, and cargo pants. We're not femboys, we just like crop tops. 

 I got simple black stones for earrings and this dragon on my hip, it matches Izu's and the rest of the gang's back in America. The only difference is that Izu's is breathing fire, and it looks so much cooler because he's the leader. 

When we are done, we head back to UA. Izu says he has inspiration for some songs to write, so we go to UA's music studio after picking up his lyric journal. He wants to go live on Instagram to announce his return, so he sends the teachers his username and starts the live.

"Hey, guys! How have you all been? I know I said I'd stop this channel for high school, but something happened so I'm going back to my old updating schedule!!" He cheers, a silly grin lighting up his face. The chat fills up with many happy fans' comments, and Izuku laughs at some of them. "Anyways, I just wrote some new songs (yay!!), but they won't be out for a couple of days, sorry! But, Kat and I will do a new dance we were working on a while ago, how does that sound?"

"At least ask me first, hmph," I say, but he just rolls his eyes.

"You know you want to." Well, I can't argue with that.

"You got me. False confidences, that one?" I say, stripping off my jacket. He nods, stretching and getting ready. I get the speaker ready, placing it so that it won't sound weird to the live.

"Alright, guys! The song is False Confidences by Noah Kahan!"

[Start the video now]

(Izuku is the girl and Katsuki is the boy.)

The chat:


@iamhere: that was great, young midoriya!

@naokisucks: that was a complete waste of time, it was horrible

@naoki.fan: HEY, if you're not here to be happy then leave

@soakthesun: you don't have the right to scold him

@random.naoki.fan: go tf away

@naokirocks: fucking leave you old fart no one wants you here


@naokikikikikiki: 🥵🥵TAKE MEEE

@naoki.fan: don't say that it's weird

@soakthesun: Naoki doesn't want ppl calling him daddy stop

@naokirocks: he will stop producing if there's hate so stop

@naokirocks: go find someone else to call daddy irl

@naokikikikikiki: but daddy

@theofficialnaoki has removed user naokikikikikiki

@letmesleep: that was good, problem child


@whatami: hm, i suspected something was behind that innocent smile of yours, Noaki. I can't say I foresaw this, though. Great dancing.

@hardboi: SO MANLY

@aliengurl: TEACH MEEEE

@kirby: wow! I'm glad you are back!

@pikapika: woahh that was so good! how are you guys so flexible🤩🤩

(still katsuki pov)

I scan the chat and see some of our classmates commenting. It's funny how they idolize Naoki and me but hate Izuku and me. I wonder how they will feel when Izuku eventually reveals his identity. (they use a filter that blurs their faces)

Izuku ends the live and we go back to our dorms, ignoring our classmates' questions, and we end up cuddling and binge-watching more Attack on Titan until we are too tired to keep our eyes open.


In the morning, I wake up first with Izu's head curled into my chest and my arms around his waist. I smile and stretch my arms groggily, today we go to America.

"Zu, wake up. Zu. Zuki. We're going to America today. Zukuuuu, come onnnn, we have to wake up before the others" I shake him awake. We quickly get ready for the day, wanting to get out of the house before the class wakes up.

We put on the outfits we got yesterday, and get ready to go. 

We quickly grab our suitcases and haul them to the door, thanking the gods that no one is awake yet. We meet Auntie outside the dorms and she helps us put our bags in the car, and we drive quickly to the airport. Once we get through security, we see all the teachers there, and they wave us over, greeting us and saying they have gifts for Izuku. Aizawa's gift is black and grey matching cat hoodies, Mic's is a full gaming set for Izuku and a drum set for me, Midnight's is gift cards to Foot Locker and Hot Topic, and Nezu's is the recommendation papers and pastel-colored stuffed bears/mice/rat things, one for each of us. 

Once goodbyes are said and done, we make our way to the gate and get ready for a new beginning. 


921 words 

sorry if this part was short I just wanted to post more than one

these are both from years ago so don't expect updates anytime soon

idek if I'm gonna continue it I just wanted to get it out there

thanks for reading

bye now xx 

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