~4~ Oc's

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Izuku takes a key out of his pocket, one he hasn't used in years. He takes a deep breath and sticks it in the lock, turning it. It clicks immediately and he opens the door. 

Immediately, silence falls in the Daredevil base as he and Katsuki enter the room. There has clearly been changes since they left- the couch is new, the TV has been upgraded, and the kitchen is completely different, obviously having been renovated and is now bigger and more modern. 

The door shuts with a clang, and it sounds way too loud in the deafening silence. Izuku blushes and smiles nervously. 

"...surprise?" he says into the silence. His childhood friends stand there in shock, unable to process what's happening. 


list of sexualities and their definitions: (note: not all of them may be used but I put all of them for your knowedge) 

Pansexual: any gender, basically gender blind

polysexual: can fall in love with more than one person at the same time

Omnisexual: attracted to all genders (don't ask me the difference bet omni and pan bc I'm not completely sure I understand it myself. anyone who does is obviously welcome to share) 

Bisexual: multiple genders, doesn't have to be all, can have a preference for one or another

Gay: attracted to the same gender 

Demisexual: attracted to people with who you have a special emotional bond or connection with

Asexual (Ace): experiences a lot less sexual attraction than average (doesnt have to be none. people can be both ace and gay/pan/etc because sexual orientation and romantic orientation are two different things, despite how often they are grouped together. like, someone who's gay and ace would be technically homoromantic asexual instead of homoromantic homosexual)

Aromantic (aro): experience a lot less romantic attraction than average (doesnt have to be none. people can be both aro and gay/pan/etc to describe what little romantic attraction they do experience.)

Obviously these aren't all of the sexualities out there, they just happen to be the ones I know of. btw, demigirl or Demiboy is basically kind of a girl/boy and kind of not. I identify as that, technically, but I prefer the term gender fluid because I feel it expresses my identity more accurately. 

please please lmk if any of these are inaccurate or offensive, i'm gay and just trying to help educate anyone who doesn't know. i do not mean to offend anyone.

you can assume the person is cis if it doesn't say trans. you can also assume that their sex is the same as their pronouns if it does not specify otherwise. (for example, if it says male and he/they pronouns, that person is amab. whereas if it says trans ftm and he/him, that person is afab. if it says female and she/her or she/they, that person is afab. there is one nonbinary character.) 

I apologize for any mistakes or things that do not make sense, please notify me if there are any. I did check it over multiple times, but I am tired and it is very possible I missed something. please don't be afraid to comment if you notice something is off- or if not! I love reading comments and wish I got more so please don't be a silent reader! 

please also keep in mind that their might be people that get together that I didn't put here either because I didn't know when I wrote this, or because I don't want to give the spoiler even without putting the name of the character. 

also, I purposely didn't put one for katsuki since he won't be very important to the story other than being the supportive best friend. just know that he's a soft boi. (sorry to disappoint) 

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