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i apologize in advance if the characters are different from the descriptions in the OC's chapter because i wrote that a while ago so i might have changed my perception of the characters since then. 

this chapter might seem a little boring since not much actually happens, but it's meant to be a filler so i can get the plot started next chapter or the chapter after that and you have an idea of what the characters are like. i promise i have a plot planned out that does not include the students from UA coming to America or any of the other typical plotlines you see in stories like this one. if that's what you want, there are literally a million other stories with it so go check one of those out and come back here later when you've had your fill. 

just a friendly reminder that I love receiving corrections and suggestions, whether for grammar or plot points and errors. i know some writers don't but I do and if that's your thing, don't hesitate to comment just don't be rude. 


Izuku's friends screamed with surprise and delight as they rushed toward him and his best friend. He and Katsuki go around hugging everyone, greeting them each in turn. North hugs him extra hard, and Izuku returns the favor; North is one of the people who were hardest to leave behind. When he gets to Winter, the shy cutie has tears in their eyes. He grins and opens his arms, letting them throw themself into his arms. 

"Izzy-Kunnnnnn! God, I missed you," Winter says, tearing up. "Why did you have to leave? Fuck that stupid school for not letting you in." Izuku gives a wet laugh and hugs Winter, swaying back and forth. 

"I know, I'm sorryyyyyyy, it was the only thing that made sense," Izuku replies. "I promise I'm here to stay now, though." 

"You better be!" Hadley exclaims. He knows his and Katsuki's leaving took a toll on the group, but he hadn't realized the extent of it. 

They all go in for a big hug, back up, and start catching up. 

"So, tell us! What was UA like? Was it good?" Katsuki groans. 

"Hell no! We wouldn't be here if it were! Those stupid bitches- can I tell them, Izu?" Katsuki starts. 

"Yeah, I don't mind. They can know," Izuku replies. Everyone is raptly paying attention to their best friends, listening closely. 

"They were fine at first, but we walked in on them badmouthing Izuku! Talkin' about how he's annoying and rude 'n shit, which is obviously not true, so we got the fuck outta there. Even Izuku's boyfriend, stupid fuckin' Icyhot, said he was only fake dating Izu and didn't actually love him. They were only dating for a couple of months but Izuku really liked that dick. Tch. You had good taste until you dated him," Katsuki grumbles, ranting about Izuku's bad experience at his old school. Izuku smiles nervously, wondering what his best friends' reactions will be but feeling affectionate towards Katsuki for protecting him. 

Everyone looks considerably irritated, especially North and Winter. The latter scooches closer toward Izuku on the couch, putting their head in his lap and snuggling comfortably. "How could anyone hate our Izzy-Kun? Hmph," Winter says, pouting and snuggling further into Izuku's arms. Izuku smiles affectionately at his friend, glad to be in an environment filled with people who genuinely care about him. 

"That's so annoying! Ugh, I just don't understand people sometimes," Hadley says. "We should show them we're having the time of our lives and they wish they had Izuku as a friend or boyfriend!" Izuku chuckles at his friend, quietly expressing his amusement. 

"As long that's limited to reasonable social media posts, go ahead," He replies. William ruffles her hair fondly. 

"Don't go too crazy. We are supposed to be 'representing ASH' whenever we post online, whatever that means," William says. Jay barks out a laugh. 

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