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The following is a testimony of Ronald Reagan telling of how he went to hell and back. The story has been extracted from Dr. Rawlings documentary "To hell and back" as posted in the website

His wife, Elaine Reagan also tells us about the ordeal.

In 1972 my life was broken. I was a drug addict. I was a criminal. My family was broken. My wife had filed for divorce a couple of times. My children were afraid of me. I really couldn't hold a job, my mental state was terrible. It was in this frame of life that I took my 6 year old son to a little market to purchase some things. On the way in, I met a gentlemen coming out the door. An argument erupted and before I knew it I had hit him and knocked him down. He fell into a pile of bottles. The bottle broke and immediately he leaped up with a broken bottle and began to stab at me. I lifted my left arm to try to stop the blow, and the bottle severed my biceps muscle & the major arteries in my arm. I was bleeding to death in a matter of seconds. But full of anger, hatred and rage, I kept fighting and it kept bleeding. My little son was screaming, he was hysterical.

The owner of the 7-11 store came over and said that if I didn't get to a hospital, I'll would bleed to death in just a few minutes. So he took me in my own car to the hospital. When we entered the emergency room, I was barely conscious. As the medical staff began to work on me, I could hear their voices, they were saying, "We can't help him. He'll have to be transported to another hospital. Probably we'll loose the arm." By the time they loaded me into the ambulance, my wife had arrived and went with us in the ambulance. But as they pulled out of the parking lot of that hospital, a young paramedic looked down into my face, and I could barely see I was so weak. He said "Sir, you need Jesus Christ" But I didn't know Jesus, I didn't know what he was talking about, so my reaction to that was to begin cursing. And again he stated to me, "You need Jesus!"

As he was talking to me, it appeared that the ambulance literally blewup in flames. I though it had actually blown up. It filled withsmoke and immediately I was moving through that smoke, as if through atunnel. After some period of time, coming out of the smoke and out of thedarkness I began to hear the voices of a multitude of people. They werescreaming, groaning and Crying. But as I was looking down, it appearedlike a volcanic opening. I saw fire, smoke and people inside of thisburning place. They were screaming and crying, they were burning, butthey weren't burning up, they weren't being consumed. Then I began movingdownward into this opening.

[Wife, Elaine Reagan]

He was thrashing, just thrashing about, moaning and groaning. It was like a battle was going on. I wasn't a Christian at the time, and I didn't know anything about spiritual battles. But it was scary to me because I could feel it. It was like light and darkness. It was like he was fighting against something. I didn't know what, but now I know, he was seeing the vision of hell.

[Ronald Reagan]

But the terrible thing was that I began to recognize many of the people that were in these flames. It was like a camera lens was showing me their faces, close up. I could see their features, I could see their agony, pain and frustration. A number of them began to call my name, and said "Ronny, don't come to this place, there is no way out. There is no escape if you come here, no way out."

I looked into the face of one man who had died in a robbery attempt, he had been shot and bleed to death on the sidewalk. I looked into the face of two others who had died drunk in an automobile accident. I looked into the face of others who had died of drug overdoses, that we partied together. They showed agony and pain, but I believe that the most painful part was the loneliness. The depression was so heavy, that there was no hope, no escape, there was not way out of this place. The smell was like sulfur, like an electric welder, the stench was terrible.

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