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Reader, the verdict is yours. All this is meant to make you think seriously about your afterlife. Remember that hell exists. You don't have to go there to believe that it exists. Testimonies of Those who have gone there and came back and the scriptures are enough to help you make a decision of getting yourself saved if you are not saved. The only way you can avoid going to hell is to accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and personal Savior. If you want to get saved, say the following short prayer.

"Lord Jesus, forgive all my sins. Wash all my sins with the blood that you shed on the cross. I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. I believe you died for my sins and resurrected on the third day. Write my name in the book of life. Thank You for saving me."

If you have said the above prayer right from your heart, you are now born again. If you were to die right now, you would go right to Heaven. In order to be strong in faith do the following things.

*Tell as many people as you can that you have gotten saved including those who are not saved. The Bible says in revelation that they overcome Satan by the word of their testimony.

*Start/continue reading the Bible

*Start praying on daily basis. At first may be you will only pray for five minutes but as time goes on, you find yourself praying a lot. Prayer is a direct communication with God and is necessary to strengthen you in salvation.

*Look for a church where you can fellowship with others. Join a church where they worship in truth and Spirit. I recommend a Pentecostal church but let the Holy Spirit lead you in this matter.

*Start preaching to others about the word of God.

*Be baptized by being immersed fully in water for that is what water baptism means. If you have said the above prayer of salvation sand me an email using the address moyanah.mo@gmail.com to tell me about it. We shall thank God together.

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