02: Memories

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It soon became nighttime, the boys all gathered round the fire. I sat on one of the logs, looking at the fire, lost in thought. Thomas came and sat next to me. Newt has spoken quite fondly of him. Thomas waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me back into reality. "Hey, back in the room." He laughed slightly. I apologised. " How do you like the Glade so far?" He asked curiously. "Mhm, it's nice.." It was silent for a moment. "Do you know how you become a Runner?" Thomas looked at me. "You wanted to become a Runner? Hah. Good luck with convincing Minho or Gally to let you." "Why wouldn't they let me be a Runner?" "First off if you haven't noticed, your the only girl here.. the boys can be sexist, and only the fastest of us can become Runner." I nodded.

Nothing much interesting happed that night. Thomas, Newt, Chuck and I walked over to our hammocks and we slept. I gasped awake, sweating. I remembered.. my name.. where I was.. what was behind the large wall surrounding the Glade.. I stayed awake till dawn, pondering on all this new information.

The morning.

I waited for everyone else to wake up, when i say everyone else i mean the guys who will acknowledged my existence at least. Before I blurted out everything I now knew the four of us had breakfast. We all sat round a table munching on our food, I couldn't tell what we were eating, but it was delicious. "So Greenie do you remember your name?" Newt asked, breaking the silence. I nodded. "Taylor. Taylor is my name.. but i also remember other things.. I know what's behind the walls, why were here.. and how to get out.. But the only way I can help is to be a Runner but I doubt that will happen any time soon." They all looked at each-other sharing a moment of silence. "What?' I looked at them confused. Thomas was the first to break the silence. "You remember all of that? That's not normal here, we only remember our names, nothing else.." "I can tell you everything I know.." They all nodded looking at me. "So.. Behind the wall is what you call The Maze.. 4 entrances.. 8 exits. One the boxes where we all arrive her there is a symbol. It's for the company WICKED, they put us here." We all went silent and Gally and Minho walked over.

"Greenie you got a name?" He asked in monotone voice. "Mhm. Taylor." Gally nodded and walked off to one o the wall. Minho stayed. "So your a Runner." I looked at him. "Mhm." Minho didn't have much expression on his face. "Why?" He asked. "How would one become a Runner Minho?" I asked. Minho let out a laugh. "A girl? A Girl Runner.. your joking.. Right?" Thomas looked at me. "Told you." I cringed at Minho's statement. "If I were a boy you'd let me become a Runner if I met your standards though, is that what your saying?" I eyed him slightly. He simply agreed. "Yes." He said. "You make me sick.." I kept eye contact with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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