Part 13 - I Want You

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This chapter is dedicated to Ajdubbs because I have been loving your comments! Check out their story "A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing"


After I hit Harlow with the volleyball, I knew I had to get away from that court as fast as possible. I don't know what I would have done if I would have seen Harlow and Ryan together for any longer.

I don't know what she is doing to me. She has captivated my mind since the moment she got to this island and I can't think of anything else but her soft lips against mine.

I need her. I don't know how I am going to get her, but I can't spend another minute on this island watching her cozy up to another guy. A guy that isn't me.

It should be me.

It should have always been me. And it would have been me if I didn't act like such an asshole on the first day. What was I thinking? I can't be certain that she doesn't have true feelings for Ryan, but I am certain she has feelings for me.

I can see it in her eyes when she looks at me. There is a sparkle that I don't see when she is looking at anyone else. I am not giving up on her until I know for sure she doesn't feel the same about me that I feel about her.

I'd rather leave the island for good than not be with her.

I started walking back towards where the group was having their picnic. I don't think I am completely calmed down but I know I am calmed down enough to apologize for how I was acting before.

When I walked back to the large blanket I was confused when I noticed no one was around. Did they just leave me here? By myself?

I sighed and laid down on an empty towel surrounding all of our stuff. Our tournament is in an hour so I know I wont be here alone for long. I looked mindlessly up into the sky while I thought about what I was going to say to Harlow. I need to figure out a plan to prove to her that she likes me, not Ryan. I need her to know it should have been me she was kissing that first night.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a shadow casted over me. I looked up and was met with the most beautiful brown eyes.

Harlow's beautiful brown eyes.

"You came back." She said, standing over me.

I propped myself up onto my elbows so that I was no longer laying down. "I did."

I looked at her standing there in front of me. She didn't look mad seeing me. I couldn't tell what she was feeling exactly, but it definitely wasn't mad.

"I am sorry for hitting you with the ball."

"It's fine." She responded. She walked over and sat down beside me.

We sat In silence for what felt like an agonizing amount of time. I was scared of what I would say to her if I opened my mouth. I didn't know how to act around her. I have never felt this way about a girl before. I was so used to getting anyone I ever wanted. Working to get Harlow was completely new to me, and I was terrified of failing.

Here goes nothing. I opened my mouth to speak. "Listen Harlo-"

Before I could finish what I was going to say Harlow leant down to where my face was and kissed me. Her lips were so soft against mine. I melted into her kiss as I grabbed her by the waist. I pulled her on top of me as we continued to kiss. Her fingers were wrapped around my neck and I was holding onto her body as tight as I could.

She broke away from my kiss and looked into my eyes. "I want you Jace."

Those words made my whole body shake. I never knew I needed to hear those words as much as I did until now.

"I want you, but I don't know how I could be with you." She took both her hands and caressed them against my cheeks. She held my face like she was never going to touch it again in her life.

I was just about to speak when she put her finger up to my lip.

"You are an asshole Jace. I can't leave Ryan for you because I know you aren't going to treat me right. Ryan will."

I didn't speak. I wanted to tell her that I would be anything she needed me to be if I meant I got to kiss her one more time. But I didn't say anything.

"I don't know how I am going to get over you Jace, but I just need you to know that nothing is going to happen between us. You need to drop your resentment for me and move on with your life."

Harlow looked at me once more before she got off from on top of me, and started walking away.

I was speechless. I was too wrapped up about the fact that Harlows lips were on mine to realize what she just said to me.

I want you Jace

Those four words were the only four words that occupied my head. It is all I could think about. I watched as she continued walking farther away from me with every second that passed.

That is when it hit me. She might not come back this time. If I was ever going to have a chance with Harlow, I needed to take it right now. Before it is too late.

I ran up behind her and grabbed her waist, spinning her around so her face was only inches from mine.

"I am not getting over you." I said to her. She looked up into my eyes. I saw the same spark in her eyes that I see every time. I know there is still hope.

"I want you too Harlow. I want you more than I want anything in the world. I will be anything you want me to be. Just please, let me be yours."

I interlaced my fingers into the hair on the back of Harlows head and pulled her face closer to mine. She didn't resist me at all. Instead she closed her eyes and met her lips on mine one more time. I could feel her arms wrap around my neck as out kiss intensified, so I picked her up, careful not to break this kiss in the process. I walked a few feet forward until Harlow's back was sitting gently against the bark of a palm tree. I continued to kiss her. First on her lips, then down her neck, and back to her lips. I heard her moan my name against my lips as I pushed my groin up against her.

This was the most perfect moment and I didn't want anything to ruin it. She could leave Ryan. I would help her explain it to him so he wasn't hurt. We could make it happen. I just know that she wants to be with me, not him. Together, we could make that happen. Nothing was going to ruin this moment, I could just tell. Harlow and I were finally going to be happy togeth-


Harlow broke the kiss to look at the voice coming from behind me.

"Shit." She huffed. Pushing me off and away from her.

I turned around to see who it was. Standing in front of us was Ryan and Carter. They both had their jaws dropped to the floor at the sight they just saw. Harlow took a step in their direction.

"Ryan, I can explain." Harlow said as she walked slightly towards them.

He didn't give her the chance however as he ran away down the beach.

"Not cool you guys." Carter said in disappointment as she bolted off down the the beach after Ryan.

Harlow was just about to take off after them when I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Don't go after him Harlow. We can finally be together! Stay here with me."

This time, when I looked at her, I didn't see the normal sparkle that I was used to seeing, all I saw was anger and embarrassment.

She ripped her arm out from my grip and took off running in the same direction as Carter and Ryan.

uh oh look who got caught!

What do you think?

Team Jarlow?

or team Rarlow?

let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter :)

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