Part 25 - Innocently Angry

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It has been a month since Harlow's friend's left. Nothing crazy has happened since. Jace has dropped his asshole attitude a little bit, but besides that there isn't anything new to report.

All of the high schoolers were in class this morning so Luke and I snuck out to the same hammock we were first together on to get away from the house. I really enjoyed spending time with him. At first it just started as sex but I was growing closer to him every day and I have a feeling he was growing closer to me too.

Sure, we only get to spend time alone at odd hours of the day, and he is still with Zoe, but I think over time he is going to realize he is better off with me.

Zoe was so boring and brought nothing to the table for Luke. She was just nice and he didn't want to hurt her feelings. I have a hunch he will get tired of her and leave her so we can finally be together publicly.

Luke and I were making out on the hammock. He had his arm around me and we were as close as we could be without actually being on top of one another.

"We should start heading back. They will be done school soon." Luke said between kisses.

That made me sad, time with him always flew by so quickly. "Just a few more minutes."

"No. I don't want anyone to become suspicious." He said firmly.

Luke dismissed my request and got off of the hammock.

"Of course, can't have little princess Zoe finding out you'd rather be with me." I said sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm not the only one who wanted to keep this a secret, remember?" Luke Snapped back at me.

I was no longer sad that our time was up, I was mad. Usually I was okay with sneaking around but lately I was growing tired of it.

"What if I don't want to keep it a secret anymore?" I challenged him.

Luke glared at me furiously. "Well you are going to, we are not letting Zoe find out about this."

I hated when he talked about her. He should be worried about how I'm feeling, not that stupid little girl.

"You're right. Can't let that bitch feel a sad emotion in her life."

I could see Luke's blood boiling. He walked over to me and grabbed me by the chin. "Don't talk about her like that."

"Or what? What are you going to do about it?" I spit back at him.

He was so mad, but so was I. How was this fair to me? I wasn't the one in a relationship. I'm not the one who screwed up. He let go of me and started walking towards the house.

"I'm not done talking to you!" I said aggressively.

"I don't care." He responded while he continued to walk to the house.

That dick. He was really making me angry. I knew I had to pull out the big guns to get him to stay now.

"Take one more step and I will tell Zoe."

That got his attention. He turned around so he was facing me. I could tell he wanted to say something but he kept silent. Slowly I watched as his mouth turned from an angry frown to a mischievous grin.

"Do it!' He said. "Who do you think she will believe? The guy she likes, or the house slut?"

I was shocked. This boy did not know who he was talking to. I walked right up to him until our faces were almost touching. No body calls me a slut.

"You're going to regret that." I whispered in his ear before I stormed off back to the house.


I was laying with Cory in her bed. We've continued to hook up without anyone finding out for almost two months now. I really enjoyed whatever situation we had going on, not to mention she is the best I have ever been with... if you know what I mean.

Cory seemed weirdly quiet today. We usually spent the night laughing and goofing off after we have sex before I go back to my room but today she wasn't very talkative at all.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask.

She didn't look at me, she was just looking at her ceiling.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." She responded.

Well that was a lie. I know her enough to tell when she is upset over something. It was rare, but I it happened sometimes.

"We both know that isn't true." I scoffed.

I rolled over so I was facing her. She didn't move.

"Talk to me Cory." I demanded softly.

After a few more agonizing seconds, she turned just her head so she was looking at me.

"The night of Harlow's party, when her friends were here, did you hook up with Jazmine?"

Why was she asking me that? That was a month ago and she has never brought it up before.

"I mean, kind of. We did some stuff but we didn't have sex if that's what you're asking." If I learned anything about girls in my 19 years of life, it was to not lie when they asked you a question.

"Okay." She said as she looked back up at the ceiling. Her voice was quiet so I could tell she was not happy with that answer.

I was starting to feel guilty even though she was the one who told me to go for it.

"You said it wouldn't be weird." I reminded her.

"I know."

We laid there in silence for a little while longer.

"Are you mad about it?" I asked. She said she was fine with it the night of or else I wouldn't have done it.

"I shouldn't be." She answered.

She was keeping all of her responses short which meant she was definitely either mad or sad. I was leaning towards the latter.

"We are just friend's Cory, I didn't think it was a big deal."

"You're right it isn't."

We were back to silence. I wasn't sure what to say or do. Girls were so confusing. We both agreed to keep all feelings out of this so I wasn't sure why she was bringing up something that happened a month ago. I heard her start to sniffle. Was she crying?

"Listen, Cory." I started to talk but she waved at me to indicate she didn't want me to continue.

"No don't say anything. I don't know why I am reacting like this. You are right we are just friends." She wiped her eyes and curled up deeper into her blanket.

I sat quietly staring at her in confusion. I didn't want to say anything to make her more upset.

"Would you like me to leave?" I asked.

"Yes, and I think maybe we should stop doing this until I figure out why I am acting the way that I am." She responded. She rolled over so that she was no longer facing me anymore.

I didn't know what to say. I really didn't think either of us had any feelings involved with this scenario but I guess it was too good to be true.

"Okay." I said calmly. "Well will I see you in the morning for our walk?"

She was quiet for a bit but finally she spoke up.

"Not tomorrow." 

Oh no, what do you think Tara is going to do? Do you think she is going to tell Zoe? She is pretty upset?

Luke is starting to really show his true colors. What do you think of him?

Do you think Cory has a right to be upset about what Asher did? 

Thank you for reading :) 



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