Part 24 - Just Friends

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This chapter is dedicated to all of my followers and reader's who have made it this far <3 thank


This week has been amazing! The producers surprised me on my birthday by sending my three best friends to the house. I got to spend the whole week with my friends Amber, Sara, and Jasmine. It has been so much fun showing them around and introducing them to everyone on the island. It was the last day before they had to leave and Dennis took the four of us and Carter on an afternoon boat ride. When we got back, we were having one last big party with everyone in the house before they left for good.

"He is just so amazing I am so happy!" Carter gushed.

The girls forced Carter to tell them all about her relationship with Ryan. I was happy watching my home best friends get along with my island best friend and it was so cute watching Carter glow when she talked about Ryan.

"Awww!" The girls beamed at Carter's story.

"I knew you were going to end up together!" Sara stated. "I mean, no offence Harlow but when I was watching from home it was just so obvious you and Ryan had no chemistry."

I laughed. She was so honest sometimes, but she wasn't wrong.

"Yeah I know, I'm so glad Carter and Ryan found each other." I said in complete honesty. Carter blushed.

I was very happy for Ryan and Carter and I sincerely wished them the best.

"Speaking of chemistry...." Jasmine grinned. "It seems like you and Jace might have a lot of that."

"Omg yes! Do tell us everything!" Sara demanded.

"Yeah so much air time is dedicated to the two of you." Amber added.

My eyes widened in shock and so did Carters. Did she really just say a big chunk of the airtime went to Jace and I? Together? Carter and I looked at each other and started to laugh.

"There is no way! They hate each other." Carter exclaimed.

"Yeah, I can't remember the last time I even spoke to Jace. The show is really making a story line out of us?" I asked.

"Yeah! A huge one. I honestly thought you two were kind of together. I was confused when we got here this week and you barely spoke to him." Jazmine chimed in.

Carter and I continued to burst out in laughter. This show was seriously misinterpreting the situation because there was nothing going on between Jace and I.

"Wait, so you don't like Jace?" Amber asked.

"Not at all." I responded.

"Good." Amber smiled. "I'm going to talk to him at the party tonight then. He is so cute."

After she said that it felt like a ton of bricks came crashing down on my chest. My best friend was going to try and get with Jace? I felt my cheeks turn red. Why was I so upset that she wanted to talk to him? I just finished explaining to my friend that I hated him and now the thought of him with one of my friends was making my blood boil.

"Unless that's not okay with you.." Amber said. She must have picked up on my sudden change in mood.

I looked around at all of the girls. They all seemed tense at the situation. I must have made things awkward. Besides, I was just being irrational. There is no need for me to be acting this way. I hate Jace, I really do, and there is no reason my friend shouldn't go for him if she wants to. I don't want him so why wouldn't she be able to try?

I snapped out of my current state. "Oh my god, of course it is okay with me! Sorry I was just out of it. Definitely talk to him tonight if you want to." I tried my best to smile and make her feel more comfortable, however saying that to her was the hardest thing I've had to do in a while.

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