Part 18 - Off to the Races

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Shoutout to my three biggest supporters for this story nicoleshermann XclusivelyA && Geegervy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ y'all rock!


"3...2...1.. BLAST OFF!" Ryan said as he ran down to the beach. I was on his back laughing hysterically.

For today's challenge we decided on a space theme for our team. I was wearing bright pink spandex and a white crop top while Ryan was wearing his lime green board shorts. We made alien antennas last night that matched our outfits. They were so much fun to make together. I also convinced Ryan to put glitter all over his face and shoulders which really added to the costumes.

When we got down to the beach, almost everyone was there with their partner. I laughed when I caught a glimpse of Zoe and Cory. They pretended to dress up as frat boys and they were both wearing cargo shorts and basketball jerseys. They were also wearing baseball caps that Zoe convinced Luke to lend them and Ray-bans.

What was even funnier was that the only boys team, Asher and Blake, decided to mock their look by dressing up as sorority girls. Asher and Blake were wearing loose dresses they took from Cory's closet and they made tiaras out of cardboard paper! It will be funny watching those two try and compete in dresses.

Luke and Tara were dressed up as hula girls! They both had on grass skirts and a Lei. Luke was even wearing a coconut bra which was so funny to see and he wasn't afraid to show it off. I loved his confidence sometimes! The only two we were waiting for were Harlow and Jace......if they ever show up.

A few minutes later a white jeep drove down the beach towards where we were standing. Dennis quickly got out of the drivers seat and opened up the back door to reveal Ken.

"Nice to see all of you here today!" He said as he stepped out onto the sand. "Where is Harlow and Jace?"

"We're here!"

We all turned to look behind us. Jace and Harlow were walking towards us dressed in an army theme. Harlow had on black shorts and a camo sports bra while Jace was wearing dark green shorts. They both had black headbands on and they were covered in green and black paint. They were walking as far away from each other as possible... probably because they cant stand being in the same room together.

"Excellent!" Ken said.

Dennis came around and handed every group a backpack.

"Inside these backpacks you will find everything you need for your challenges. You will be going to 5 different locations around the island and completing the task that is there. The first team to finish all 5 and make it back here will be the winners!"

I jumped in excitement! This is going to be such a fun day I just know it.

Ken continued. "When I say go, you can all open your backpacks. In them you will find the location that you are to start at. There is also a map in your backpack that will lead you to where you need to go. Are you ready?"

"YES!" We all shouted.

"On your mark.......get set.....GO!"

Ryan quickly opened our backpack and grabbed out the map and a sheet of paper.

"We are at number 1."

I looked at the map to find where the first spot was located!

"What?! The number 1 isn't even on this Island." I exclaimed.

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