Chapter 32

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"Thank you for meeting me." I say.

"Well, your boyfriend saved my family. It was the least I could do." She smiles.

"Mother, he's not my boyfriend." I roll my eyes.

"He's the father of your children, right?"

"I don't want to talk about him." I look down.

"What did you want to talk about then?" She asks.

"I can't consume any blood. It all just comes back out. Stefan made me drink a little bunny's blood today and it didn't even work." I shake my head.

"You have to feed on Kai." She says.

"W-what?" I ask.

"You need to feed on the father of your children. Since he's a heretic he's technically still half alive. You need his blood." She explains.

"No, there has to be some other way. I'm not feeding on Kai."

"Natalia, do you want your babies to survive?" She places her hand on top of mine.

"Yes, bu-"

"You need his blood."

"Okay." I sigh.

"Now, is that all you needed to talk about?" She asks.

"No, um, who's my real father?" I look her in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" She nervously chuckles. "Giuseppe is your father."

"Mother, you and I both know that's not true."

"What are you implying?"

"That you had an affair and it resulted with me."

"No, you're wrong." She avoids eye contact.

"Mother, just admit it. I want to know who my real father is."

"Why does it matter?"

"Because it's not fair. It's not fair how you left us with that man. That man wasn't even my father and you knew. You still left me with him." I scoff. "Look, just tell me if he was a witch or not." I sigh.

"He was. He was a Bennett witch. He was lovely and he loved you." She smiles.

"H-he knew about me?" I ask.

"Of course. He died a couple weeks after you were born though." She looks down.

"Thank you." I sniffle.

We walk out of the grill and I begin to drive home. I felt a sting on my cheek. Seconds later there was a sharp pain in my neck. I was bleeding. I instantly knew what was happening. They were torturing Kai. I try to call Stefan, but he doesn't answer. I call Damon and he actually does answer.

"Hello sister." He says.

"Damon, where's Stefan?" I ask.

"On the floor with his neck snapped." He answers. "Hey, say goodbye to your boy toy." He chuckles.

"Nat, I know we're kind of mad at each other right now, but I really don't want to die." Kai says.

"Oh well." Damon says.

"Damon stop. Kai and I are linked. If you kill him I die too." I say.

"You're lying." He says.

"No I'm not. I felt the slapping, the punching, and you stabbing him in the neck." I scoff. "Thank you by the way. It really made my day." I say sarcastically.

"Damn it." He hangs up.

I finally get back home. I go look for Stefan. I find him in the basement with Kai.

"Is everything alright?" I ask.

"Just peachy." Kai grins.

"What did our mother say?" Stefan asks, standing up.

"Well she said that I need Kai's blood."

"No." Kai says. "I don't care what you need my blood for. You're not getting it until I'm out of these chains."

"Well since you're in the chains I guess you don't really have a choice, do you?" I smile.

"I'm gonna go look for Damon." Stefan says.

He leaves. I walk into the cellar and close the door. I grab Kai's hand and bite into it. His blood tasted fantastic. It went right down, no problem.

"Okay that's enough." He says.

I pull away and wipe my mouth. I sit on the ground in front of him.

"Why did you need to do that again?" He asks.

"Your babies won't let me drink any other blood. Everything just comes back up, so I talked to my mom and she said I need your blood." I explain.

"Stop saying "your babies." It's weird."

"They are your babies though."

"Biggest mistake of my life." He rolls his eyes.

"What is your problem?" I scoff. "Are that power-hungry that you want nothing to do with your kids?"

"Yes." He smiles.

"I hate you, Kai."

"Feelings mutual."

I stare at his hand. I grab his hand and take off one of his rings.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

I hold the ring in my hand. I start chanting. After a couple of seconds I put the ring back on his finger.

"You're welcome."

"I don't even know what you did." He says.

"It's a daylight ring. You know, so you don't burn in the sun." I explain.

"Thank you. Does that mean you're letting me go?"

"Nope." I smile.

He rolls his eyes. We sat in silence until I got a call from Jeremy.

"Hey, Jer." I say.

"Hey, I just wanted to check up on you. To see how things were going." He says.

"Aww how sweet." Kai says sarcastically.

"Is that Kai? He's still alive?" Jeremy asks.

"Alive and well." Kai grins.

"Shut up." I kick his leg. I hid the fact that I felt it too. "Yes, Jer he's alive." I sigh.

"Well, can you ask him to take my sister out of the sleeping spell?" He asks.

"I'm not doing it." Kai says.

"I'll talk to him." I hang up. "You're a dick." I scoff.

"I know. You should just let me go, so you don't have to deal with me anymore." He shrugs.

"Or I could just leave." I stand up.

"No, wait. It gets really boring down here." He looks down.

"That's too bad." I walk out of the cellar.

Kai yells my name as I close the door. I walk upstairs and go into my room.

TBC// hope you enjoyed 🥰

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