family matters

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|karen| i stirred awake still sore from the festivities from the night before. I turned over to find Drew still sound asleep. "I love how you still laying there peaceful while I'm sitting here in pain." I said with an attitude turning over to get up.

I didn't have much longer before the kids came over with kali and jacob so I went ahead and hopped in the shower to start my day off right.

After my quick shower I took off my scarf to fix up my wig that montrell installed for me a couple days ago. I sat in front of my vanity mirror turning on the flat iron and headed into the bedroom to find my clothes.

I grabbed a track suit and made sure to lotion up my body before putting it on. I headed back into where my vanity was and sat down starting on my hair.

Twenty minutes had passed and he still laid there dead to the world. "Drew you gotta wake up" I said hovering over my husband waiting for him to wake up. "Alright baby I'm about to just give me five minutes" he said before rolling on the opposite side.

I rushed down stairs to the sound of the doorbell ringing indicating someone was here. I opened up the door letting the kids and my grand babies in from the cold.

"Heey y'all" I said smiling from ear to ear. They brung a different kind of happiness out of me every time I was able to see them. "Hey nana" two little voices yelled out running into my arms.

"Hey my babies" I said holding them in my arms a bit longer then usual. I let them go to run off in their rooms and took j and kiki into my embrace. "Hey ma how's it going?" J asked me making his way in the kitchen.

"You always eating boy" kierra teased finding her seat right beside me. "I'm maintaining" I said turning my attention over to j still in the kitchen looking for some type of food.

"Ian been to the store yet so there's nothing in there unless you want salad." I said waiting for his reaction.. all he did was come and sit on the opposite side of me and started fiddling with my fingers.

"Where's daddy?" He asked pausing looking up at me. "You don't hear the shower running?" I asked. We all paused to hear the sound of the shower running throughout the house. "I told him to be up a long time ago." I said chuckling.

We sat on the couch for about thirty minutes talking and what not before Drew came down the stairs with kali on his back and jacob trailing behind him.

"Who wanna go with me to target?" I didn't plan on going out but I needed a change of scenery.. it had been a couple of days since I had been out.

Of course the little ones agreed but ki and jdrew wanted to be lazy with their daddy so I left them to it. "Before we go to target y'all gotta sit at the piano with me and sing what I tell you. Okay ?" I asked they agreed and we headed upstairs.

Playing the organ was one of the many gifts God gave me and I took it upon myself to make sure jacob and kali knew the basics.

Kali sat on my lap and jacob sat on the arm of the chair as we went over 'the safest place' I still remember the first time kierra learned the song.. everybody was surprised cause she used to go on and on about how she wanted to be a cosmetologist and do nails for a living instead of singing and look at her now.

After going over the song a couple times we gathered our things and went outside to the car. We arrived to target in a couple minutes .. one thing I was glad about was that the house was smack in the middle of everything.

We went in target and as soon as we stepped foot inside of target "nana can we get starbucks look it's right there" kali pointed to the starbucks to my right. "pleaseee nana" jacob pleaded. i gave in and i took their orders and we started walking around putting different things into the cart.

After our fun little target run I called Drew in the parking lot. "what y'all want to eat while im out?" i asked. i pulled into the chic-fil-a drive through and ordered for everybody. I was so ready to get home, I never liked being out for to long and IT began to show.

We all sat on the couch and the kids on the floor as we watched the new trolls movie they insisted on watching.

After the movie kierra said she had something to bring to our attention so we sent the kids away to go find something to do while she said what she had to say.

|kierra| it had been about three months since me and jordan started dating and he was everything i prayed for. I honestly felt in my heart that he was the one for me.

I held back on telling my family because I didn't know if it was permanent yet but now I knew for sure it was. I usually told mommy everything, she was my best friend so I just hope she doesn't feel some type of way from me holding back something so major..

"So y'all remember jordan kelly?" I asked and they nodded their heads indicating they knew who I was talking about. "Well a while back he reached out to me and we caught up and what not and we made it official almost three months ago."

"Well that's good kierra, he's a good preserved young man." My dad said congratulating me. "Well I'm glad you finally said something" ma looked at me. "I think he's a nice young man I'm glad your happy." She finished. I waited for my brother to say what he had to say. "I'm sorry but that nigga is ugly" j blurted out.

I could not believe that came out his mouth. I punched him in the stomach causing him to hurl over in his seat. "Kierra keep your hands to yourself" my mother said sternly. She grabbed j by his cheeks and lifted his head making him look her in the eyes.

"And you, stop being ignorant you too old.. y'all been going at it ever since you could crawl." We all laughed in reaction and soon it had quieted down.

"Since we playing where is your girl friend?" I questioned. It was pure silence and we all stared at him waiting for his response. "You in my business? Yeah don't do that." He said mugging me up and down.

"Boy you too old to be tryna talk like these teenagers" I said annoyed at the fact that he thought he was doing something. "You bout ready to go?" I asked. He nodded his head yes and went to go get his kids from the back room.

|karen| after kierra and jdrew got done bickering they decided it was time for them to be heading home. Me and Drew walked everybody to the door as we started saying our goodbyes my phone rang.

I picked it up "it's an unknown number" I mumbled.. something told me to answer and I did putting it on speaker phone. "Hi is this karen clark sheard ?" The female voice asked on the other end. She sounded awfully young.

"Who is asking?" I asked confused as to why they were calling my phone from the get go. "Well I think we may be kin" I gave kierra a look seeing if she heard what was said and brought my eyes back to the phone trying to find what to say.

"i get these calls everyday, what makes you so special?" I asked wondering what excuse she could possibly have. "Trina is your niece right?" The name sounded familiar then it hit me.

Years and years back mama introduced me to this girl named trina moss.. we weren't too far apart in age but mama never explained how she was my niece she just was. I snapped back into reality. "Do you live here in detroit?" I asked cause I had an idea.

"Yes ma'am" the young voice answered. "I'll tell you what. How about you meet me at the street caffe tomorrow at 12 noon.. how does that sound?" I asked. "That sounds good see you then." She said before disconnecting the line.

"Well that was new" kierra said shaking her head. "I'll let y'all know if it's legit or not by tomorrow night." I said as they walked off getting into their car.

"Lord if it wasn't one thing it's another." I said walking upstairs to settle down for the night... thinking about what was bound to take place on tomorrow.

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