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Tara stares at the plain ceiling in front of her, waving her feet near the edge of her bed, her knee-highs giving her some amount of warmth

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Tara stares at the plain ceiling in front of her, waving her feet near the edge of her bed, her knee-highs giving her some amount of warmth.

"I'm bored." She mumbles over the crackling of the Florence and the Machine vinyl spinning on her bedside table. Her eyes wander to the small stack of homework sitting on her desk, groaning at the thought of having to tackle it.

Even though it was the first day, it didn't stop the teachers from giving her introduction assignments, just to test how much she knew. She had a very basic set of courses, one in each medium of art.

"I probably should get started on the assignment shouldn't I?"She asks herself, going over and looking through her agenda to see what she had due. Most of her classes just had the introduction assignments, something she could do with her eyes closed. But her photography class was the kicker, she had one question,

What does beauty mean to you? Define your aesthetics and give examples.

"Welp. There goes my idea of discovering more of the campus." Tara says, thinking heavily about the topic that her photography teacher had forced her to think about.

What was beauty to her? Was it looks, personality, what made somebody special to her?

"To the brother train, I go!" She yells, snatching the assignment off the countertop and running downstairs with her phone in hand.

"ATLAS! MAURICE!" She yells, more like shrieks, the two men's names, needing help with her homework since she didn't want to fail class on the second day itself.

Both men come running, Maurice with a cup of bourbon in hand and Atlas with a root beer float. Tara's eyes widen at the sight of the float and gravitate towards the good smelling beverage,

"Ooh, you made a root beer float? I want a taste!" She says, making grabby hands towards the glass mug in her older brother's hands. Atlas rolls his eyes at the way that Tara got distracted but hands her the heavy glass nonetheless. Maurice chuckles at the dilemma that his best friend was in,

"Wow Atlas you were right, Tara loses her attention really easily." He mumbles sipping the amber-colored beverage. Tara whips her eyes over to Maurice, frowning quietly. She hands Atlas the cup and attempts to stare Maurice down.

Maurice attempts to not laugh since Tara now had a mustache. One made of Root Beer foam to be exact.

Tara sees Maurice cover his mouth, his lips starting to turn up at the edge. She frowns, didn't she look scary,

"Why are you giggling?" She asks, poking the dimples that were starting to appear at the edges of his cheeks. Maurice smiles, blowing gently in her face, causing her to scrunch up her features as he finally lets his giggles out,

"You just look so cute! Right Atlas?" He asks, taking Tara's cheeks and smashing them gently, moving them side to side, also moving Tara's face in tandem. Atlas nods agreeing with Maurice,

"Yup. Why'd you come down here Tara?" Atlas asks, setting the glass down in the sink. Tara's eyebrows raise since she finally remembered why she came down here,

"I needed help with my homework." She says, not telling them the whole truth since she knew that if she had asked her brother for help with art homework, he wouldn't even wait a second before running the other way. Atlas shakes his head,

"Sure, which subjects? Math? French? Biology? History?" He asks, listing all the subjects he was good at in high school. Maurice shrugs his shoulders,

"You do know that Tara goes to an art school right?" He asks, causing Maurice to agree, dismissing his concern with a wave of the hand, he had got this. Tara looks up, a sly smile on her face,


Atlas's face slowly turns into one of disgust,

"Oh hell no."


Sirius's long blonde hair falls in front of his eyes as he walks down the narrowing corridor. He had chosen to not braid it this time and had tied his bandana over his head, using it as a makeshift headband. His black denim jacket rustles as the black door slowly starts to come into view.

When his boss had released the picture of the girl to channel, all the trainees were fully ready to take advantage of the opportunity, especially with the value of the girl. So naturally, when he saw the small girl washing her face in the bathroom he knew that the promotion would be his. Soon he would have everything that he wanted and nobody would be able to stop him.

But to tell the truth, Tara was a very unique individual. For the first thing, she had never even heard of the mafia groups crawling all over town, which was unheard of, especially if you were going to the University of Versailles.

The second thing was how positive she was. She was like one of the drugs that ACE sold, no, she was stronger than that. You could get high off just hearing how happy she was, something that he had experienced firsthand. She never talked about the things that bored her during the speech like all the other freshmen, she had just thoroughly fangirled over the dean's tattoos. He had never seen anybody fangirl so much, not even when Cai took off his shirt. And Cai had lots of fangirls.

Lastly, she had such a unique personality. From her freshening out-of-nowhere kindness to her ideas. She had become really close friends with one of the most beautiful professors, in EQUAL's pocket of course. But when he had asked her if she found him attractive, she had shut him down, saying that sure he looked good to the other girls, but not to her. In her words,

"He seemed dirty. Like he was hiding a secret." She muttered, Sirius clearly remembering that she had left him alone in the hallways, getting weirded out looks from his fangirls.

His feet stop themselves in front of the door, having an itching feeling to eavesdrop in on whatever conversation was going on. All he knew was that there were very high authority figures inside, discussing very important topics.

But he really wanted to hear what they were talking about.

One listen wouldn't hurt.

Would it?

He starts to lean forward, already hearing conversations. But these ones weren't in Japanese like he had expected, they were in French. Sirius shakes his head, pulling away,

He shouldn't be eavesdropping. He could lose everything.

He knocks his pale hand against the door, hearing a very high pitched,

"Come in."


There's no picture at the top of the reading because WATTPAD DECIDED TO BE A BUTT!

*calms herself down*

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you have a great rest of your day. TPWK.


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