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A sharp silence fills the room as Sirius walks through the doorway, passing the point of no return

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A sharp silence fills the room as Sirius walks through the doorway, passing the point of no return. Sienna keeps her eyes on the blond boy, noticing that his blue bandana was starting to loosen from the knot.

Her fingers curl around the glass of red wine she had poured herself as she sips the blood-red substance, keeping her eyes on the kid. Slowly, he moves towards Cai, making sure to keep his head towards the ground. Sienna tuts lightly,

You should never show weakness and submission as a trainee. He's gonna find out and use that to his advantage.

Max, noticing Sienna unapproving glance, nudges Sienna with his shoulder, nodding towards the blond boy,

"What's going on Fin?" He asks, trying to not get any unwanted attention since Cai was heading this whole operation. Sienna purses her lips and shakes her head,

"That boy is shaking more than a deer in headlights. His head is always bowed and his bandana looks like it's gonna fly off his head. If your father saw this, he would throw the boy out of the program and he would lose his life quicker than I can say bye." She mutters, repeatedly pointing out the boy's flaws.

Max quickly bites his lips, attempting to hold a very un-mafia leader-like giggle in his mouth. After he calms down he leans close to Sienna,

"Yes, you're right, my father would do that. But you have to know this isn't EQUAL Sienna, this is ACE. Things in this group run differently than they do with us. That's why the selection process is so hard." He mumbles, getting nothing but a small sipping sound from his best friend.

Cai bangs the back of his foot against the seat of the chair, gaining all the attention in the room. He clears his throat and pats the child on the back,

"This is Sirius, he's a trainee for my group, one of the top rankers. He's started to become best friends with the girl and now he's gonna fill us in on her identity. Right Sirius?"

Cai looks down at the boy, wordlessly communicating something that I couldn't pick up on. I smirk, sliding a twenty euro bill towards Max. Max takes the bill in between his middle and index fingers, raising his eyebrows at me,

"What's this for?" He asks as I smirk,

"I'm betting that the boy's gonna stutter," I whisper. Max leans back against the chair and scans over the boy's body language. He shakes his head at me,

"I bet not." He mutters, sliding his own twenty euro bill underneath the glass cup.

The kid, Sirius, clears his throat and rests his hand on his large belt buckle, changing eye contact every few seconds in an effort to show how much we needed him,

"Her name's Tara. She's an art major and loves tattoos." He finished his sentence and stuck his hands inside his pocket and started swaying back and forth gently.

Sienna curses under her breath as she slides both bills in Max's direction, who smirks and pockets the money. The boy sits down on one of the empty couches and looks over at an impressed Min,

"Did I do well?"He asks, getting a sharp nod from Min,

"Yes, you did." He gruffly says and Sienna mimics Min as her eyes stop at the black dress shoes. The same ones that she had seen beneath the doorway before he had asked for permission to come in. Sinne smiles lightly,

Her money would be coming back into her hands.

"What's the next step?" The young boy asks, missing the sound of Sienna's knuckles cracking. Max, however, hears this and whirls towards his right-hand,

"What are you gonna do?" He hisses, trying not to catch any attention. If Sienna decided to crack her knuckles then trouble was in the future. Sienna chuckles lightly and squeezes Max's shoulder, a melodic laugh coming from her mouth,

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything bad, Max." She murmurs, getting up from her position from the bar and sliding the chair into its position.

Sienna walks past the small group of people intermingling, as normal people would, but the topics being way darker.

"Excusez Moi*" She mutters, cutting through the crowd to see the real attraction. Cai and Min, in the center of the horde and the small boy attempting to provide some sort of help. The boy rolls his eyes and goes back to sit on the couch, Sienna's kohl-lined eyes following the boy's muscular structure.

She clears her throat, throwing her hair back and starting to follow the kid. Sirius thankfully for her, sits down on a sofa that's big enough to accompany two people. She plops down next to him,


The blond-haired boy nods at her voice, muttering a small bonjour in return. Sienna bites her lip,

"First meeting?" She asks, shifting to meet his dark brown eyes, something that was very common in Versailles. He nods, keeping his eyes on the two men talking in front of him. When they finally break, he gets up,

"What are our next steps?" He asks, causing Sienna to smirk in victory,

He just walked into her trap.

Sienna suddenly gets up from the couch, choosing to sit next to Min, as a last resort. Min raises his eyebrows,

"Really princess, so now you've decided to come to sit next to me?" Sienna rolls her eyes, plastering a fake smile on her face,

"Shut up Minnie, I can't deal with you right now." She says and turns so she can tune into the conversation. Finally, Sienna gets her chance and dives into the conversation,

"So, Sirius, what do you plan to do in the mafia world?" She asks, twirling a piece of hair around her finger, putting on an innocent girl facade. Sirius turns over to face her and chuckles, a big boisterous laugh,

"It's nothing you would understand sweetheart. But since you asked let me tell you. I want to lead my own mafia group." He winks at Sienna and she clutches her hand tightly, letting the innocent facade drop,

"Really? I wouldn't understand? Sure, I don't understand your dream but I do understand one thing. The fact that your ear was somewhere it shouldn't be." She raises her eyebrows as Sirius turn a whiter shade of pale,

"W-what?" He asks, stuttering. Both Min and Cai stop talking and tune in to the conversation going on next to them. Sienna stretches and quickly gets up, extending her arms,

"Welp! Looks like my work here is done. Good luck Min." She quickly mumbles and runs out of the area, quick to get out of danger. She holds her hand out as soon as she reaches Max,

"Give me my money."

We stan badass Sienna!

Literally, she's such a queen, even though she's a right-hand woman. 

But, anyway, how was this chapter? Sorry if this was a bit boring, it's needed to set up the next chapter. PLEASE don't be a silent reader and vote/comment or add it to your reading list. TPWK.


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