When You Go to a Dance Together

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I'm back! These are school dances, OTHER than prom. Prom will be a separate scenario! This was requested by someone, but I can't find out who. So, I apologize! These dances are based on ones we had in high school, so I understand if your school did or did not have these. Also, I didn't go to a lot of dances, so some of these might not be accurate. All of these have a picture of the dresses you wear to the dance, so if you don't like it... sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️. You can change it with your imagination. (That probably sounds more aggressive than I intended.) Those of you with short hair, I truly am sorry, I wasn't thinking about it until I had the collages done, so feel free to come up with your own hairstyle.

You anxiously wait for Kai to get back home. You finally hear someone walk through the door, and take a deep breath before going to greet him.

"Hey Kai! I've gotta question." You nervously say.

"What's up, babe?" He asks wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I have this Sweethearts dance at school in a couple weeks, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my date." You say watching to see his reaction.

"Is that even a question?" Kai chuckles.

"I phrased it as one didn't I?" You joke.

Kai chuckles at your response and kisses you on the forehead. "I'd love to go to the dance with you."

"That's great! Because I've already bought the dress."

"You have? But I hadn't even said I'd go until now."

"I knew you'd say yes. Even if you said no, I'd ask someone else." You smirk watching his expression change to one of horror.

"What? Who would you of asked?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." You laugh.

Kai gives you a playful glare, before tickling you.

"Answer the question!" He says tickling you harder.

Your laughter resonates through the room, as you shake your head, refusing to answer. Kai's tickles becomes relentless, before he realizes you're never giving in.

"Well. Will you at least tell me what your dress looks like?" Kai asks as his tickles stop.

"I guess." You say running upstairs with Kai in tow.

You pull the dress out of your closet, and Kai smirks at you.

"Can't wait to see you in that." Kai smirks wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You will the night of the dance." You smirk, as Kai groans in response.

~Le Time Skip~

It's the night of the dance, and Kai is currently escorting you into the gym

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It's the night of the dance, and Kai is currently escorting you into the gym. So far, you two have made it to the snack table without drawing attention, but after getting everything you wanted, Kai quickly drags you out to the dance floor. He starts dancing to the song, while you stand there and watch.

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