When He Protects You From Your Ex

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You're finally able to be off your crutches, so you decide to go into town to grab a few things. On your way back though, you're pulled into an alley and are met by the smirking face of
"Hello there (Y/N)." He says pinning you against the wall.
"Hi (E/B/N). What do you want?"
"I still want you." He says leaning in closer.
"Well I've already told you I don't want you! You broke my heart!"
"I'm gonna make you mine again whether you like it or not!!" He says anger in his eyes, as he tightens his grip on you.
"You know I already have a boyfriend! Let me go!!" You yell thrashing around.
"Shut up!" He yells smacking you. "We're gonna go where no one will find you ever again. Including your little porcupine." (E/B/N) says throwing you over his shoulder and running down the alley.
"Hey! Put (Y/N) down!" You hear Kai say as he blocks (E/B/N) path.
"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?"
"Oh I'll knock you out for so long, that when you wake up your clothes will be out of style... oh wait haha they already are."
(E/B/N) puts you down and asks, "Who do you think you are insulting me like that?"
He then charges at Kai, and Kai chuckles.
"I'm Kai Smith. (Y/N)'s boyfriend." That seems to make (E/B/N) angrier, he attempts to throw some punches at Kai.
"Enough Child's Play." Kai says doing spinjitzu and knocking (E/B/N) into a wall.
You run up to him and he hugs you tightly.
"Thanks for saving me Kai." You say letting a few tears slip down onto his shirt.
"You're welcome. Nobody hurts you and gets away with it."

You're walking home from school on a nice October afternoon without a care in the world. Blake pulls up beside you on the curb and asks, "Do you want a ride somewhere?"
"No, I'm good."
"No really. I don't mind!" He says through gritted teeth.
"I'm seriously fine, Blake. It's not that far to walk."
"Get in the car."
"I said get in the car."
You take off at a run and cut through a few alleys to get away from him. When you feel you are safe, you call Jay. Just as he picks up, you're lifted off the ground and are being drug somewhere.
"You're getting in the car, and that's final. I'm gonna have you all to myself." Blake says leaning down and giving your cheek a kiss.
"You creep! You don't think Jay will find you? He's a ninja!"
"OO! I'm so scared!"
You finally get one of your arms loose, and elbow him in the face. He lets go and you take off running
"Ow! You little jerk!" He says and comes after you.
You look at the phone and Jay is still on the line.
"Jay! Jay!" You scream into the receiver, but there's no response.
Suddenly you're pulled to a side alley and without thinking, you punch at the person who grabbed you.
"(Y/N) it's me!" Jay says.
You tightly hug him, and he tightly hugs back. Suddenly Blake turns the corner a sees you with Jay.
"Now you're on my turf blue boy!" Blake yells.
"You messed with my girl! Now you're gonna face the thunder." Jay says.
He pushes you behind him, and Blake throws several punches, which Jay easily dodges. Blake starts to get tired and Jay says, "Leave now. Unless you want to loose your dignity. Oh wait.... haha... you already did."
Blake growls, and finally leaves. When Jay turns around you jump straight into his arms and he hugs you tightly.
"Thank you so much Jay!" You say
"No one touches my girl!" He says

Zane was supposed to pick you up from school today, but he had a surprise mission so he wasn't able to get to you. So now you are walking with (B/F/N) when (E/B/N) walks up and starts following you two.
"What do you want?" You ask
"Listen (Y/N) I would like to talk."
(B/F/N) looks at you worriedly but you brush it off.
"Fine whatever." You say following him.
He leads you to his house and you start to back away.
"Not so fast!" He says and drags you inside.
"I thought you wanted to talk." You say crossing your arms.
"Oh, I do. But it involves keeping you here."
"No, (E/B/N). I'm not! I don't love you anymore."
"Listen I dated you out of pity because you lost your family. Now it's time for you to date me out of pity because my girlfriend broke up with me." He smiles evilly and starts to advance on you.
You run around and find a place to hide long enough you can call Zane.
"Zane! Help me please! My ex is going crazy!" You finish as (E/B/N) finds you.
"You're gonna regret doing that!" He growls, and drags you to his room. No sooner than he says that, Zane appears.
"It must be nice to chill with (Y/N). Too bad I do not authorize it." Zane says and freezes his feet to the floor.
You get away and run over to Zane. When you turn back around, the ice at his feet is melted, and he is smirking.
"I have the power of steam. Try again Jack Frost."
Then he sends a wave of steam your way. Zane throws up an ice barrier, and soon both of you are covered in water.
"We must get out of here!" Zane says and drags you out the window.
As you are running away Zane gets burnt by a little steam, but keeps moving till you get to the monastery.
"Zane! Are you ok? I didn't know he could do that!"
"I am fine. I am just glad I found you in time!" He says and hugs you tightly.

Cole has to go to Stiix and you decide to join him, so you can get out of the monastery.
"I'm gonna go walk around and look at everything." You say.
"Just please be careful (Y/N). This is a very dangerous place."
You soon find yourself in a flea market type store and look around.
"Well hello, (Y/N)." You hear Ronin say
"Ronin, I swear! Are you following me?"
"Ha! You wish. This is my store Sweetheart."
"How did you end up in a place like this?"
"Well after my family died, I had to switch to a life a thievery. I only steal from the rich don't worry."
"Oh... well I'm sorry to hear that." You say.
"Let me show you around. I can give you stuff for a... discounted price."
He shows you around, and you find a crystal (F/A) with a golden base.
"Ronin this is beautiful! How much is it?"
"Well for you... a kiss."
You snort and say, "Seriously, how much?"
"Seriously a kiss."
"Nope, that's ok. I'll just keep looking around."
"Listen (Y/N), I wanted to talk to you the other day at the pool, but your brother and boyfriend was around. I want to get back together with you again. Trust me, I'm very secretive. Cole will never find out."
"No, I'm not cheating on Cole!" You say trying to get out of his shop, but he grabs you by the wrist, and drags you further into his bedroom.
"Ronin what are you doing?" You ask worriedly.
"Getting what I want." He says leaning in to kiss you.
"Back away Ronin." Cole growls
"Oh looky there. Your boyfriend finally showed up."
"Leave (Y/N) alone! She said she didn't want you! If you loved her you'd respect that."
"Why don't you back off? I loved her first!"
Ronin's grip on you loosens, so you kick him in the shin and run over to Cole.
"You might be a Master Thief, but I stole her heart." Cole says dragging you out of his store.
"Thank you for saving me!" You say
"I don't know what I would've done if you would've been hurt! I'm just glad I got to you in time!" Cole says hugging you.

"Get away from me!" You say to
(E/B/N) as he pins you against his car in the back school parking lot.
"Why would I get away from you when you just deny your feelings about me?" He smirks
"The only feelings I'm denying is the ones you claim to have for me." You say trying to push him off, but it's no use.
Why does the back parking lot have to be the least used?
"Get in the car." (E/B/N) says
"Get in the car!" He growls and tightens his grip on you.
"Make me!"
"Careful what you wish for!" He says and tosses you in the back seat.
He quickly gets in the drivers seat, and locks the doors.
"Child lock doors. You can't get out unless I unlock you." He smirks then starts the drive towards home.
"You won't get away with this. Lloyd will get you!"
"Ha! He probably doesn't even have the energy to match me!" He scoffs and pulls into his driveway.
He pulls out a knife and shows it to you. "Oh and don't think about trying anything." He then leads you into his house, and into his room.
"I'm going to enjoy you so much!" He says pinning you to the bed.
"I'm about to pee my pants!" You lie.
"Use the en suite." He growls and you quickly run to the bathroom.
You quietly call Lloyd and hope he picks up.
"Lloyd, please! Help me!"
"Where are you? What's wrong?"
"(E/B/N) kidnapped me, and brought me too his house! He's probably listening right now! Can you track me?"
"Yes! I got you on my map! Stay safe!"
"Please hurry Lloyd!"
You leave the bathroom and (E/B/N) quickly pins your wrists to the wall.
"Now where were we?" He asks seductively closing the distance between you two.
You push your back hard against the wall, and kick him off with all your might.
"Remember what I said?" He says showing you the knife.
"This is one of the many reasons I left you." You say
"I always get what I want! And right now, I want you!" He says and lunges at you.
He tackles and pins you to the floor.
"Look who's in control now!" He smirks and takes off his shirt.
"I am!" Says Lloyd coming in the window.
"How'd you get in here?" He asks
"Through your window." Lloyd smirks
"That's trespassing."
"And that's kidnapping and rape. Get off of her!" Lloyd growls and charges at
(E/B/N) laughs and gets off of you.
"Lloyd he has a knife! Watch out!"
Lloyd grimaces in pain as the knife cuts across his arm.
"Not so tough now are you?" He asks walking up to Lloyd.
"Ninjago!" Lloyd yells and does spinjitzu throwing (E/B/N) into the wall.
"Lloyd!" You yell running up to him.
"Are you ok?" Both of you ask in unison.
"Yeah I'm fine." You say
"My arm hurts, but I'm just glad you're ok!" Lloyd says hugging you.
"Let's get out of here!" Lloyd says rushing you out of his house, and to the monastery.

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