When Another Ninja Falls For You

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This chapter won.... obviously. Soccerstrike42 requested it awhile back, so here it is! Hope you like it! I'll do one later where you kinda start having a crush on the ninja that likes you.

You are playing ninja and seek with Kai and his brothers. Kai is searching right now and you can't find a place to hide.
"I suck at this." You murmur, trying to avoid Kai.
You're pulled into one of the wardrobes, and are met by Lloyd's face. He quickly closes the door, and mischeviously smiles at you. There's not even an inch between you two.
"What are you doing?" You whisper angrily at him.
"Shhhhh! I'm giving you a place to hide. Don't blow our cover!"
"Oh... thank you." You say giggling
Even in the dark, you can see Lloyd blush, and you wonder why.
Light fills the wardrobe and you see an angry Kai staring at you.
"What were you two doing in there? My best friend, and my girlfriend. Are you serious?! I thought you two were better than that."
"Kai it's not what it looks like." Lloyd says blushing
Kai storms out of the room and you start to go after him. Lloyd grabs your wrist and you look at him. Tears already falling down your face.
Lloyd blushes and says, "Do you want me to go with you. I mean, after his temper last time."
"Just stand outside the door. Please."
You run to Kai's room, and try the door. It's locked.
"Kai, please let me in. We need to talk."
"What's there to talk about?"
"Kai please."
"Go away!"
"Kai, she needed a place to hide. I helped her find a place. That's all that happened! That's the full truth."
The door opens and you see Kai's puffy red eyes. He instantly hugs you, and you both sink to the floor.
"Please (Y/N), never leave me. I love you."
"Love you too, Kai."
Kai kisses you passionately, both of you forgetting about Lloyd.

You're decorating the monastery for Wu's birthday party. Jay and Lloyd keep blowing up balloons, and releasing the air so the balloons fart.
"You two are so immature." You say giggling
"He started it!" Both of them yell pointing at each other.
"We need to finish the decorations." Kai says crossing his arms.
"Buzzkill." Lloyd and Jay mutter.
"Will a responsible person go grab the decorations in the attic?"
"I got it!" Both you and Cole yell racing each other.
You grab a heavy box and start to drop it, when Cole grabs the other side, making your fingers touch. You see Cole blush, then look away from you.
"I can get it, Cole. I don't need your help."
"Oh, sorry." Cole says letting the box go, his blush getting darker.
You drop the box making a loud crash. You hear a panicked Jay yell from downstairs,
"Oh my gosh, what happened? Is (Y/N) ok?"
"Yeah, she's fine. Just dropped a box." Cole yells back
"She's not hurt is she?"
Cole turns around, "I thought you said you didn't need help."
"Pft... I didn't." You say walking forward, tripping over the box. Cole catches you.
"Thanks, Cole." Cole's blush goes even darker.
"WHAT IS GOING ON UP HERE?!" Jay yells seeing you.
Both of you look to the doorway eyes wide.
"Jay." You say standing up walking towards him.
"No. You've done enough. Both of you." He says walking away.
"Jay. Would you listen." Cole says
"What? Stealing my girlfriend again?" Jay says coldly
"(Y/N) fell, and I caught her. I didn't think you wanted her getting hurt."
"I don't. Is that all that happened?"
"Yes, I swear."
"I'm sorry for assuming." Jay says hugging you tightly, crying.
"Jay, I love you, and you only."
You kiss Jay, leaving a jealous Cole behind you.

Zane is at the store getting groceries, and you're stuck at the monastery with the others.
"Hey, I need your help on a prank. I'm pranking Kai, and need you to stand in the kitchen, when he walks in, he gets a bucket full of water dumped on his head." Says Lloyd.
Lloyd sets up the prank and tells you to yell at him.
"Coming!" He yells running into the kitchen, water dumped on his head, you and Lloyd laughing your heads off.
"I thought you were better then this!" Kai says storming off.
"What's his problem?"
"He's afraid of water." Says Lloyd
"What?! Then why'd you do that?"
"Because it's funny!" Lloyd says still laughing.
"Not cool Lloyd!" You say glaring at him, then racing off to find Kai.
"Kai! Where are you? I promise this isn't a prank."
"What do you want?" He says opening his door in dry clothes, but his hair still soaked.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were afraid of water. I never would have done that if I would've known."
"It's fine." Kai says not making eye contact
You grab his hand, he turns to you blushing. "I really am sorry, Kai. I mean, I know we don't always get along, but I promise I never would have done that."
"It's fine."
You hug Kai, and apologize again. "Kai, I am sorry. That was very low of me. Please forgive me."
"What?" You turn to see Zane, "what is going on between you two?"
"Nothing, honestly." Says Kai blushing.
"Well apparently you have been doing stuff behind my back. My brother, my girlfriend. I can not believe this."
"Zane, I dumped water on his head as a prank. I didn't know he was afraid of water, and I was just apologizing."
"I am sorry (Y/N). I should have trusted you." Zane says kissing you.

Everyone is down at the pond skating, besides Kai, in fear of the ice breaking.
"Who wants hot chocolate!" Screams Cole
"Me!" Everyone shouts
"Be right back!" Says Cole as he runs up to the monastery to make the cocoa.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Says Lloyd as he skates over.
"Hey little bro! What's up?" You tease ruffling his hair
"Hey, I'm not the little brother anymore. We're the same age!"
"I've got a secret to tell you."
"You're not good a secrets are you?"
"Ha ha, no. Well... I do keep ours.... but I know Zane has a crush on you."
"He knows I'm with Cole though. Guess I better go let him down easy. Thanks for the tip, little bro!"
You skate over to Zane, he looks at you, and blushes.
"Hi, Zane. How's it going."
"It is going, great. Thank you for asking."
"I need to ask you something."
"Do you happen to-"
"Happen to what?" He asks as his blush gets darker
Zane looks at you with his ice blue eyes, and you can't bring yourself to tell him.
"Nothing." You say skating away.
Not realising it, you skate onto thin ice, and fall through. You try to get back up to the surface, but the freezing water is preventing your muscles from working. Your edges of your vision starts to turn black when pulls you out of the water. You see it is Zane, and try to hug him, but your muscles aren't working.
"Z-ZANE!" You say, and he hugs you  him close to him.
"(Y/N), you are freezing. You need to get inside, so you do not get hypothermia." He says hugging you tighter.
Zane helps you up, and puts his arm around you.
"(Y-Y/N)!" You hear Cole yell
"C-Cole! I-its not w-what it l-look l-like."
"Zane, what are you doing with (Y/N)?" Cole asks angrily
"Cole, she fell in the pond. I was just accompanying her up to the monastery."
"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)!" Cole says rushing out to you, trying not to slip. He hugs you tightly, kisses you, and helps you to the monastery to warm up.

"Lloyd put the comics away, please!" You say leaning into his lap.
"Ok fine. What do you want to do?" He asks
"I don't know. Learn spinjitzu?"
"Maybe later."
Kai comes rushing in, "Lloyd! Trouble in Ninjago City! Let's go!"
Lloyd summons his dragon, and flies away.
"Lovely. I'm alone again." You say
"I'm here." You jump at the sound of Jay's voice.
"Jay, what are you doing here."
"Well I got into a fight with a few of them, and they didn't think it was wise to go on a mission until I've decided to work together with them." Jay's looks down and blushes.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"It was mainly over Nya dumping me for Cole."
"I'm sorry Jay."
There is a crash and you two turn to see the evil ninja.
"Seriously! I thought she was supposed to be alone!" Zane says.
"Doesn't matter, take her!" Lloyd says
"Hide (Y/N)! I'll take them!"
You run and find a place to hide and wait. Someone rips you away from your hiding place, and are met by Lloyd's red eyes.
"Let go of her!" Jay yells as he kicks him.
"Jay! You're my hero!" You say hugging him.
"Lloyd would hate me, if they captured you on my watch." You look up at Jay and he blushes again.
"Thanks. I was so scared." You say burrying your head into his chest, crying.
"It's ok. They're gone now." Jay says patting your back.
"(Y/N), are you ok? The window were busted."
"We're back here!" Jay yells
You hear Lloyd's footsteps. "(Y/N)! Are you ok? Jay what's wrong."
"The evil ninja broke in and tried to capture her. They got a hold of her, but I stopped them. She's a bit shaken up, so I was trying to comfort her." Jay says blushing darker.
"Thank you, Jay!" Lloyd says hugging Jay.
"I'm so glad you're ok (Y/N)!" Lloyd says hugging you, and you cry into his chest.

Woo! 3 chapters in 3 days! Already working on Seven Minutes In Heaven, and When He Gets Hurt. I'll try to post them before January 8th. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if you don't like it. Again feel free to comment ideas, corrections, or just any comment. Thanks!


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