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;; Valentine's Day 2021

Soccer practice soon came to an end for the Girls Soccer Team, everyone sighing in relief as soon as the sound of their coach's whistle signalled the end of the day.

"Haru since you arrived last, you're in charge of keeping the equipment back!"

Haru groaned tiredly before nodding, too fatigued to even respond back. Trudging her heavy feet against the grass, Haru pushed the enormous soccer goalpost towards the equipment room as she muttered a few goodbyes to her teammates.

One after another did they leave the grassy field as Haru continued to bask tiredly under the setting sun. Frankly, she felt gross and uncomfortable after the strenuous training that day. Journeying back to the field to clean up the various cones did Haru realise a familiar figure standing at least 10 feet apart from her.

Smiling foolishly to herself, Haru managed to use what's left of her energy to sprint towards her best friend, Hueningkai.

"Ning!" Haru exclaimed excitedly as she ran towards him.

"Haru!" Hueningkai yelled back, chuckling to himself as he watched the girl run towards him.

As Haru sprinted towards the boy she dearly loved and adored did she not realise her now, untied shoelaces. Not long after did she trip over her own shoelace before falling onto the dry and scratchy grass. Sitting up quickly, Haru allowed her fatigue to seep into her body which eventually triggered the waterworks.

"You're still the same old Haru I met 11 years ago," Hueningkai chuckled as he reached the sobbing girl.

"Shut up Kamal," Haru sniffled as she wiped her tears away in embarrassment.

Shaking his head in disbelief at his best friend, Hueningkai crouched down before carrying the smaller girl in his arms. Although she started protesting that she was sweaty and smelly, Hueningkai continued on with his way towards the benches.

"I will actually make you smell my armpit- PUT ME DOWN KAI!" Haru whined as she flailed about in his arms.

"You seem to be missing a shoe Haru," Hueningkai pointed out cheekily as he set her down on a bench.

"I'm always missing a shoe," Haru grumbled before taking a swig of water.

Kneeling down on one knee, Hueningkai pulled out Haru's missing shoe before waving it in front of her face teasingly.

"And I always seem to be finding it!"

"Give it back Kai," Haru asked with a pout as she tried snatching it away from his grasp.

"On one condition,"

Hueningkai smirked teasingly before bringing his face closer to Haru, who's cheeks were flushed at the sudden proximity with the boy she loved.

"What d-do you want asshat," Haru stuttered despite trying to keep her composure.

"You. I want you to be mine Haru. I've always loved you ever since your dumbass fell in the park. We're now 19 and I really hope this confession doesn't flop because of it does I might just die from embarrassment-"



Shifting her gaze nervously between his soulful eyes and his lips, Haru smiled softly before quickly pecking his lips. Clearly taken aback by the girl's sudden action, Hueningkai felt himself grin goofily as he blushed a deep shade of crimson.

"I want you too. I've always wanted you ever since you helped me with my stupid shoe. I felt like Cinderella for a split second," Haru giggled as she reminisced their first memory.

Slipping on her missing soccer cleat onto her foot, Hueningkai stood up and lifted Haru up before spinning her around in glee. Euphoria rushing through his veins as he held the girl he loved for the past 11 years in his arms.

"You're the girl I've always talked about Haru. You're my first love,"

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