Part 5- stop

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"Ahem," the sound made you jump. You turn your head, Seojun looking over your shoulder. There, standing with his arms crossed and a brow raised, was none other than Suho. He looked throughly unamused. "Could you not?"
"Ohh h-hey Su. What's up?" You laughed nervously. He was glaring at Seojun full force now. Seojun glared back before smirking. Placing a hand on your lower back he pulled you slightly closer to him. Suho's face darkened. "Seojun, what are you doing?" You whispered hastily, full and well knowing if this continued there would be a fight.
"Stop Seojun," Suho tapped his foot. Everyone else still seem to be asleep. He's probably trying to be quiet to not wake them.
"Why? I was enjoying myself. Wouldn't you agree y/n?" His eyes darted back to, locking on to your own. You knew what he was doing. He just wanted to rile Suho up. They might be friends again but he still did this every so often. Suho used to tell you about it over the phone.
He smiled, returning his gaze to your brother. "See?" Suho's eyes went back to you. You stared at your hands in your lap.
Honestly you thought he really did like you for a second. 'Does he or is just trying to play with Suho?' 'Why I care?' I should just leave before they fight' Your thought we're going a crazy. You didn't believe that he would do this just to get at Suho but it kept nagging you. Sitting up straight, you tapped his shoulder.
"Seojun... you can stop you've got to him," you smiled a little, moving his arm and hopping down from your seat. He looked shocked to say the least.
     Did he make you uncomfortable? Did he go to far? Are you ok? What wrong? He wanted to go ask you as you went into the bathroom but Suho grabbed his shoulder before he could get anywhere.
     "Did you really have to go that far to mess with me?" Suho asked him, louder than he wanted to. Jugyeong rose from her spot on the couch. She looked at the two boys, shaking her head a bit to wake herself up before running over and putting herself in between them.
    "No fighting! Not again!" She said looking at both of them, give Suho a look. He sighed, letting go of Seojun's shoulder. Seojun was really confused now. He was messing with him sure but it wasn't like he knew we would wake up. He didn't make an effort for Suho to catch them. Did he really think he was flirting just to mess with him?
    Did you think that?
    Is that why you left with that sad look? His eyes went wide and he stumbled towards the bathroom. Suho went to get him but Jugyeong stopped him. She shook her head.
    "I don't know exactly what happened but he seems pretty surprised himself don't you think?" Suho watched as Seojun disappeared down the hall to get to the bathroom. He was still glaring but sighed, giving into her words.

     You sat on the edge of the bath, hand pinching the bridge of your nose. Ugh you were an idiot. Why else would he kind of flirt with you? Why else would he be nice? He didn't like you he just wanted to mess with your brother. You should have known. You honestly probably did, somewhere in the back of your mind. Of course if you knew, then why were your eyes stinging.
     Why did it actually hurt.
      I mean you knew he had gained a classic playboy type attitude while you were gone so why were you surprised when he used it on you. Your eyes felt heavily as your vision slightly blurred with held back tears. 'Honestly don't cry.' He didn't even do anything that bad.
     Then there was a soft knock on the door. Your head snapped up, tears drying from the surprise. The door slid revealing Seojun's head as he slowly popped in. You just blinked at him as he came in and slid the door closed.
    "Hey," he said quietly. If him coming at all was a shocker this was like a blot of lighting to the face. He was being so quiet and had this look of fear mixed with anxiety on his face, as if he was nervous to say anything else. "I don't really know what you're thinking but I just thought I should clear somethings up."

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