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Stormi stood in front of a small building. A leafless tree stood in the front yard, drifts of snow piled high on the sides of a cleared walkway. A sign stood tall in the front: 'King's Home for Old Folks' was the message on it. Rubbing her frozen arms, Stormi stepped onto the steps in front of the door. The sun was barely rising behind her as she entered the building.

Inside reeked of an elderly woman's perfume. A counter was place beside the door, a young woman sitting behind it.

"How can I help you?" The lady asked sweetly.

Stormi offered her a small smile. "I'm here to visit someone," She explained. "My great grandma lives here."

The lady beamed happily. "Oh dear! That warms my soul! I always love it when family comes to visit!" She pulled out a paper. "What is your name and what is your grandma's name?"

"I'm Stormi, and my grandma's name is Ellie Liquoure."

The lady nodded, writing it down. After a bit, she frowned. "So your grandma is the crazy lady?"

Stormi crossed her arms, refusing to respond to the comment. "Can I go see her please?"

The lady nodded, picking up the ancient phone that was placed on the counter beside her, making a call. When she hung up, she nodded to Stormi. "Adam will come and lead you to her room in a moment."

Eventually, a middle-aged man called her. He led her through the tangled hallways until the reached a door with a sign with her grandmother's full name on it: Eliza Elaine Liquoure. The man nodded to her and opened the door, holding it open for Stormi. 

Hesitantly, Stormi stepped inside. The room itself was small and clustered. A bed was against one of the walls and a TV was across from it, mounted on the wall. There were all sorts of photos on the walls and on small desk-like tables. Sitting on the bed, there was an elderly lady. Her back was turned to the door as she stared at the wall. She had long and wavy grey hair and she wore a pretty plaid dress. Despite her age, she seemed to be very skinny and in slightly decent shape.

"Um... Hi..." Stormi said quietly.

Ellie turned around, narrowing her vivid blue eyes at Stormi. "Who are you?" She asked in a soft and quiet voice.

"My name is Stormi... I'm your great granddaughter."

The old woman's face brightened. "Oh Stormi! Look how much you've grown! I haven't seen you since you were a baby!"

Stormi smiled a little bit. "Yeah..."

Ellie forced herself to her feet, hurrying to the young lady she hadn't seen in years. She pulled Stormi into a tight and loving hug. "What a beautiful young lady you're growing into!" She cooed.

Stormi closed her eyes and hugged her grandmother back. "Its nice to see you too..."

After a bit, Ellie broke away from the hug. "Come and sit down!" She begged, shuffling back to her bed and sitting back down, this time facing the door to admire her grand-baby.

Stormi slowly walked towards the bed, observing some of the pictures that were placed on the walls. There were pictures of her grandparents, both of which had passed away. Some were of her grandpa as a baby and a young boy, then a teen. Then there was the pictures of her dad. Him as a baby, then as the trouble-making little boy that he was, then as the mature and respected teen he had become. Tears formed in Stormi's eyes when she saw the family photo of her, her dad, and Skye when they had visited her mom. Little Stormi had been only four, Skye 12. Their mother's gorgous face beamed at the camera as she held her babies close. She was beautiful, despite the shackles around her wrists and the bright orange clothing. Her father had his arms wrapped around the three of them, his ginger hair fire in the lighting of the pen.

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