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Stormi flailed around helplessly as she was grabbed and slammed into the ground. A desperate yelp escaped her lips as she was tossed around as if she were nothing more than a ragdoll.

"You are no match! Your father's body will forever belong to me and you will die a painful death!" William's voice shrieked before Stormi hit the ground again. She felt a sticky substance slowly crawl down her face, flooding into her eyes. She gritted her teeth as William's foot slammed into her back. She screamed in pain, bones snapping under his weight.

Stormi shot wake, gasping for breath. Lately, every night she was haunted by that same nightmare. It always felt so real to her. She felt every painstaking blow to her body. 

She stood up on her wobbly legs, barely managing to stand anymore. Stress was beginning to eat her alive. She was growing weaker by the day. Eventually, she managed to crawl outside. The air was warm, a slight breeze rustling the trees. Grass was beginning to peak out from under the melting snow, green and thriving. She stretched, her back and shoulders popping. She closed her exhausted eyes, unsure as to why she was so tired.

A branch snapped behind her and she spun around, landing her right into the arms of the monster. William snickered gleefully as he restrained the struggling girl. "I finally found you!" He laughed.

Stormi glared up at him, her seafoam colored eyes filled with fury. "Go to hell!" She snarled bitterly.

He chuckled. "That's where I came from, dear child." He began to drag her through the trees.

Stormi didn't bother to scream, and eventually she gave up on struggling. He was far too strong for her, despite his body being no more than skin and bones. It was painful to see her father's body look so sickly. He drug her to that mysterious, decrepit house. He forcefully chained her hands together before locking those chains to a tree outside of the home. Panic surged through Stormi's body as she looked down to where she was standing. He had locked her up on Lilith's grave...

She screamed, fighting against the cast iron shackles, desperate to get away from the burial grounds. He stared at her, his glowing red eyes filled with amusement. "This is priceless. I can kill you again, Lilith."

Stormi glared up at him. "Fuck you," She snarled angrily. "I'm not Lilith. I am Stormi. She's just  figment of me!"

His laughter stopped as he grabbed Stormi by her throat. "Sure, child."

Stormi struggled against his death grip, choking. His long nails tore into the flesh of her neck, and she could feel the drip of her blood trail down her neck from the puncture holes he had created.

Her head felt as if it were going to explode, her cheeks purple and blue as she struggled for oxygen. He dropped her moments before she blacked out. She gasped, gripping her neck desperately.

His deep chuckle resonated from her father's throat. "I could have ended you right there. But I can't sacrifice you yet. It needs to be midnight for the finale!"

"W-what do you mean?" She stammered.

A sick smile spread across his lips before he left her chained to the tree. Tears formed in Stormi's eyes as she stared at the ground. This was it... She was finally going to die. Tears rolled off her face, splattering into the dust below her.

As night began to roll over the mountains, Stormi hadn't moved an inch. Her stomach was a pit of fear as she hung there on Lilith's grave. Whispers surrounded her in the trees and she closed her eyes, expecting William. Someone grabbed her hands and before she knew it, the cuffs were off. She allowed her hands to fall to the ground, never looking up. She had been defeated, her body weak and miserable.

"Come on! We have to prepare!" A voice hissed. It was that of a teen boy. Stormi looked up, her eyes being greeted by a slightly attractive boy who was around her eyes. His eyes were emerald green, a head of neat chestnut hair. He offered his hand to her.

She looked at his hand blankly. When she didn't take it, he took her hand and pulled her to her weak legs.

"You really have gotten weak! We'll need to energize you!" The boy said.

Stormi didn't respond to him. He led her back to the meadow that had thawed out. It was nothing more than a marsh now.

"I'm Kasey," The boy said to Stormi. "I'm Arrow's little brother."

Stormi only nodded her head.

"I got her!" Kasey shouted to the trees. Stormi tensed up as a few more people stepped out of the trees. The boys from the picture in the newspaper: Danny, Terrence, and most importantly, Arrow.

Arrow offered her a small smile. "It's time, Stormi," He said.

Stormi looked at him weakly. "I can't do this..." She whimpered.

Arrow grabbed her shoulders, shaking her. "Yes you can and you have to!" He shouted. "I know he's been draining you, but you can't give up!"

She stared into Arrow's eyes, not saying a word. The two of them began to glow as they stared into each other's eyes. Smile spread across the other boys' faces as they watched the two, Danny giving a soft "Aw," as they watched.

When the glowing stopped, Arrow tilted his head. "Better?" He asked gently.

Stormi nodded her head. Her body no longer ached, and her eyes shone bright rather than burning.

"Now can we get this party started?" A very boyish voice asked. Stormi's eyes met with her great uncle's as he grinned at her.

Arrow nodded, grabbing Stormi's hand. "Yeah. Let's finish this! Once and for all!" They five headed into the trees, back towards the house. "Here's the plan..."

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