What Am I?

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Stormi's eyes fluttered open. She sat up, looking around to find the carved tree in front of her. The rot was gone completely, only leaving Arrow's name in it. She forced herself to her feet and stumbled back to the dugout. She crawled back inside, her thoughts whirling around in her head.

'You are me, Stormi, and I am you,' Lilith's voice echoed in her ears. She shuttered, glancing over at the bookshelf.

How could I master the skills in the books so quickly? She asked herself. Everything began to make sense to her. She could make those items because she was the one who wrote the books a hundred years prior. She stood up, beginning to pace around the space. Now I need to access those memories from Lilith's life to find the answers I need to find the source.

Stormi walked laps around the dugout, thinking hard. I am two different people. I am Stormi Liquoure and Lilith Miller. So, I have two intertwined spirits, which means I have two sets of memories: the Stormi memories and the Lilith memories. Now, how do I access the Lilith memories?

She sighed. "Where's Arrow when I need him?"

She flopped onto the bed and closed her eyes, hiding her face between her legs. A sense of longing filled her stomach, along with a sense of pride. As she opened up Lilith's side of her being, the two emotions struck her at the thought of Arrow.

"Man, you really are something else," Arrow's voice grumbled from the wall he usually leaned against.

Stormi's head shot up and she locked eyes with the spirit boy. "Arrow!" She shouted, her cheeks flushing.

A small grin appeared on his face. "You're a hot mess, Girl," He teased her. She nodded her head before hanging it. "So, you finally figured out who you are."

She nodded silently. "I guess I have... I'm not Stormi at all..."

Arrow shook his head, walking towards her. "No, you ARE Stormi. That's what makes your life so special. Lilith is only a fragment of you. Like you told yourself, you have two different souls. You are Stormi, but Lilith's soul is twined with your's. When you die, both of you will separate and go your separate ways."

"Why can't you just stay here with me all the time?" Stormi cried. "You know everything and I get lonely!"

Arrow sighed. "If only it was that simple." She stared at him, desperation in her eyes. He walked towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "You are special, Stormi. But I am bound by countless rules that prohibit certain things." He sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "If only you knew..."

"Knew what?" She pressed, grabbing his shirt with both of her hands.

He shook his head, his eyes locking with her's. "I'm sorry Stormi... The battle is happening soon... I've been sent to tell you to be prepared..." He turned and headed for the door, shaking his head.

Stormi reached for him, but he was gone. "Arrow..." She whimpered quietly before she crawled into bed and curled into a ball.

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