×Chapter Seventeen×

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(say the name.. seventeeeeen)

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Taeyong looked down beginning to tremble a little. He knew what Jeffrey was capable of doing to him. He knew that very well. Jeffrey could throw a punch or two, give a kick here or there, maybe make a few cuts. If he was being honest; he was terrified. So he kept quiet.

"Why did you have to see us getting rid of Dejun? If that never happened, we wouldn't have met." Jeffrey scowled and slightly gripped the others hair  making Taeyong look him in the eyes. "Now no matter what I do I can't forget your p- ugly face. It's sickening for me."

Taeyong didn't reply and simply stared back into his eyes, looking for an answer. An answer to all of this. But he could find none.

"And then you go around kissing people like the whore you are!" Jeffrey raised his voice a bit as Taeyong widened his eyes.

"W-what? You.. you saw?" He gulped in fear.

"Of course I did! You left the door ajar for the whole world to see."

"But.. but why would that matter to y-" Taeyong mumbled, stopping as he felt a burning sensation on his cheek. Jeffrey slapped him.

"Quit asking me questions you slut and come with me." He grabbed the others wrist and began to leave the alleyway.

"Are you going to- to take me to the b-basement?" Taeyong looked at him with tears in his eyes as Jeffrey turned around.

Jeffrey looked at him in silence, observing the redness on his face from the slap he had received earlier and his scars that decorated both cheeks. He came to realise that this was his doing. And unlike he would usually feel, maybe satisfied or proud of himself, he experienced new feelings for the first time.


"No. Stop crying." He answered and they walked for what felt like forever until he pulled Taeyong into an old house.  They both took their shoes off, leaving them at the entrance.

"What's... this place?" Taeyong asked hesitantly, fearing that Jeffrey would get mad at him.

"Childhood home." Jeffrey took him up the creaking stairs and into what seemed like his bedroom. It was very minimalistic;  just a bed and a wardrobe. "Stay here. Don't even try to run."

Taeyong nodded and rubbed his eyes, getting rid of the tears that were about to fall. He shouldn't cry now. Jeffrey told him not to after all. And he would've run off but he had no idea whether or not Jeffrey had someone waiting for him outside if he tried to do so.


"Here." Jeffrey threw a blanket and a pillow onto the floor.

"We're sleeping here?" He blinked scared and  confused.

"Yes." He locked the door before switching the lamp off and placing his jacket in the empty wardrobe. He got into the plain bed, his back facing an afraid Taeyong.

Taeyong let out a shaky breath as he folded the blanket in half, spreading it neatly on the wooden floor. He placed his coat in the wardrobe as well and lay down on the blanket, placing his head on the pillow.  Grabbing his phone; he left a message to Ten and Sicheng, telling them he was staying over at a friend's.

He couldn't sleep. No matter how tight Taeyong shut his eyes, he couldn't seem to fall asleep. However it looked as though Jeffrey was already in a deep sleep. He quietly stood up and walked over to the bed looking at the other. 'Maybe I should run away now' he thought to himself but before he could even act on that; he heard a sound.

Taeyong looked down and was surprised to see that..

Jeffrey was crying.

Flustered, he didn't really know what to do in this situation. He was about to take a step back when Jeffrey turned around and grabbed his hand. Taeyong froze watching the tears roll down Jeffrey's face, then deciding to sit down on the edge of the bed. Taeyong didn't understand why he was sitting here holding his hand and wiping his tears away. Even after everything that Jeffrey had done to him, after everything that has happened; he still chooses to help him. Although Jeffrey was asleep and would probably not remember this when he wakes up; he still wanted to care in some away.

And he hated himself for caring. He knew Ten was right when he said that there's no point in caring for someone who hurt you more than once. But he remembered that his mother once told him; 'The individuals who make the trouble, are usually just crying out for help'.

Every time Taeyong went in to wipe those tears away from Jeffrey's cheeks, he felt himself falling. As strange as it might seem... he was falling into something he didn't want to have with him.

Perhaps you can't really help these things since they often occur without you realising. It just happens and a lot of the time there might not be a particular reason. Feelings are hard to control. In this moment, Jeffrey couldn't stop crying in his sleep and Taeyong couldn't help but feel his heart race.

Taeyong wiped his own tears away with his free hand since Jeffrey still held the other tightly. He was hurting. He was in pain. But he stayed. He stayed like this for around a few hours until Jeffrey had stopped crying and was calm once more. Taeyong gently removed his hand and lay down on the blanket once more; tears soaking the pillow.

He wished that everything could go back to how it used to be. Simple and normal. Not filled with painful days and confusing feelings. Taeyong hugged his knees to his chest hoping that time would pass quickly so that Jeffrey would let him leave this place. He turned around so he was facing Jeffrey. If only Jeffrey was a better person, a nicer person. Maybe then it would have been a lot easier.

i managed to make an update yayyy :D
this was more focused on jaehyun and taeyong since I felt that it was necessary to delve into the
kind of relationship they have and how it might or might not be changing!!
anyhow, what did you guys think?  why did jaehyun  start to cry? why didn't he do something to taeyong? and why doesn't taeyong try to get away?

until next time,

p.s: omg the gimme gimme teaser??
they all looked so good!!! like yuta hello?

s: omg the gimme gimme teaser?? they all looked so good!!! like yuta hello?

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so stunning honestly.

also happy birthday jaehyun!!

Word count: 1000⚠NOT PROOFREAD⚠

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Word count: 1000

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