×Chapter Fourteen×

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Sicheng stood up from the stool and stared at the painting he created in the past couple of hours, in shock. He dropped the paint palette, knocking off the paints and water making them fall onto the floor with a loud clatter.

"Sicheng are you okay?" Ten's seemingly distant voice asked as he collapsed onto the floor, sitting there shaking and crying.

He had painted a strikingly similar painting of a man. The man had bright red hair. And that man's name was Yuta.

"What happened?" Ten frowned seeing Sicheng trembling in a puddle of water and multiple colours of paint. "Oh.." He looked up at the painting, realising who it was. "Sicheng.." He bent down helping the other up and hugging him tightly.
"It's alright.. I'm here it's okay.."

"W-why?..." Sicheng wiped his tears briskly.

"Longing." Ten answered simply making the boy sit down in a chair as he began to clean up the mess on the floor.

"Longing?.. What do you mean?" He sniffed, still shaking a little.

"Well. When you long for someone... you really need them to be with you. It's an unfulfilled desire. I suppose," Ten paused to place the brushes in the sink. " you'd feel like an unfinished puzzle. Just yearning for your missing puzzle piece. Because without it... you realise you're not quite complete."

Sicheng looked down at his lap, letting himself drown in the silence as Ten finished cleaning up the mess he made. He stared sadly at the painting of Yuta. What should he do with it? He could throw it away and pretend it never existed. Or.. he could just put it at the back of his wardrobe when it dried and not touch it again. After a couple of moments he decided to do the latter. He carefully got up putting the painting on the rack to dry.

"You're keeping it?" Ten asked drying his hands as he had finished washing them due to the previous encounter with paint.

"Yes.." He whispered and glanced outside the window. "Will we have to go now? It's dark outside."

"Well speaking of going, Taeil just texted me saying he's leaving with Taeyong now. How about we all stay over at yours and Taeyongs?" Ten asks about to type up a reply.

"Yes please." Sicheng put on his best smile and got ready to leave. He knew that maybe.. all he needed was to spend some time with his friends. Maybe that will get rid of any pestering thoughts that lay in his head, whispering words of doubt and unease. He will relax today and enjoy the rest of the evening having some fun with his friends. "But Ten?"

"Hm?" Ten hummed zipping up his coat.

"Don't you have your job?" He blinked.

"I quit." Ten answered turning off the lights and locking the room once they stepped out.

"Oh... why?" Sicheng watched Ten put the key in his pocket.

"I think that if I went up there on that stage.. I'd feel guilty. Almost like I'm betraying someone. It just wouldn't be the same." He explained as they walked along the hallway and into an elevator.

"Betraying who?" Sicheng questions but to no avail he received a small nod. He knew that he was not to press anymore on that topic. No reply from Ten means don't ask. And he respected that.

But with every heartbeat Ten felt as they walked out of the elevator, a single name was repeated softly the more he thought about the conversation.



By now the four of them (Sicheng, Taeil, Ten and Taeyong) were sat on the couch covered in about 5 different fluffy blankets while watching a film they found on the shelf. It was seemingly quite interesting althout Sicheng had to disagree as he had fallen asleep quite a while ago in between Ten and Taeyong. Taeyong had his head resting on Taeil's shoulder as they continued to watch the film until.. he felt his eyes start to droop will sleepiness. He must stay awake.. He must.. Yet he began to sleep quietly. Ten chuckled quietly at the scene.

"It's just us now." Taeil paused the film with a small laugh. "We should catch up."

"Of course. Hey do you like anyone?" Ten smirks.

"Now why is that the first thing you ask me?" He scoffs crossing his arms. "Nobody."

"Hmm your cheeks tell me otherwise." Ten pointed at the blush which began to grow steadily.

"Ok ok fine. But I only saw him once so." Taeil replied honestly.

"Once? Who?" He leans forward a bit in anticipation.

"The driver person? The guy who came with you three. Him I suppose. I don't like him don't get me wrong, he's just cute I guess." Taeil defends himself.

"Him??" Ten gasps. "Oh my god. I mean I can see you two toge—"

"Ten no- I didn't say I liked him. He's just a bit cute." He panics shaking his head. "I didn't mean anything by it."

"I don't really believe you but okay then." Ten grins crossing his arms.

"Do you like someone?" Taeil looks at the other whom seemed to be in a daydream.

"Maybe maybe." He sighs. "It's just really complicated for anything to change at the moment. I don't know how much I can tell you. It's confidential information perhaps... I just hope that one day when everything is sorted out and well... more normal. Then we could try I.. I don't know. I never really told him I did.. it was all very quiet... words weren't needed to convey our feelings.. However we did-" He paused turning bright red." Nevermind. "

"Nope you're telling me now." Taeil whined a bit. "Pleeeease-"

"We had a one night stand after he visited my old part time job... hehe-" Ten told him awkwardly.

"You— who on earth could make you just-"

"I don't know it just felt.. right. He made me feel a million things. That's what he did. And I treasured it."


First of all I am so so s0000 sorry for the delay and accidental publication not too long ago hhh (I accidentally pressed the button and I wasn't even finished!!). Thank you for waiting patiently. I'll have to warn you that it's getting busier for me now, so if I don't update on the weekend that would be why. Anyway, how was this chapter for you although it's just a filler kind? What would you say is stopping Ten from building a stable relationship? What do you think of Taeil and his panic over Doyoung? And why do you think Sicheng ended up painting Yuta; was it because of longing like Ten mentioned?
until next time,

P.S: Are you excited for the ot23 track???

word count: 1000

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