×Chapter Nine×

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TW// panic attack

Taeyong woke up panting. Out of breath. His heart hammering loudly in his chest as he tried to breathe. But every time he did. His body rejected the oxygen. His lungs screamed at him to breathe in. To inhale the sweet loving air. His mind screeched the echoes of the nightmare he woke up from. In which Jaehyun had pointed a gun at him pulling the trigger. However he had woken up before the bullet had hit him. Tears streamed down his cheeks like waterfalls of pain and trauma; as every cell in his being, shuddered in fear so unimaginable that it's even too difficult to describe at times. The closest you could get is the feeling that you're dying. Alone. Running out of time. He screamed quietly as  his thirsty lungs would accept no air.

Within a couple of seconds Jaehyun was at the door watching Taeyong suffer. He wondered if he should help this poor creature. So fragile, like a thin glass rose petal on his fingertips. He walked in closing the door and sitting on the bed. Taeyong was so distraught that he begged the man, whom he did not know was Jaehyun, to help him somehow. In some way. Any way at all. He sobbed and cried until he could barely make any audible words. Jaehyun looked into his petrified eyes and placed his hand on the others cheek. He froze as Taeyong gripped onto that hand, more tears falling as he tried to inhale at least once. Jaehyun was so out of place. He didn't know what to do with Taeyong. His father would've said to beat him into shape. His mother would've said to let someone else to take care of him. But what did Jaehyun think?

His mind argued loudly at him, the volume growing for every minute he cupped Taeyong's face. For every minute he gently hugged him close. Jaehyun told himself it was just pity. He didn't really care. Right? He was hugging Taeyong because it was annoying to here him cry next door. Right? Those are the only reasons.. they must be the only reasons.

Soon Taeyong's cries subsided and he was sleeping deeply. His small sniffles, tiny hiccups and shaky breaths was all that Jaehyun could hear in the now silent room. And while he tucked Taeyong back into bed, checking there was nothing out of the norm, there was something Jaehyun missed as he left the room.

His aching heart.


Yuta raised an eyebrow as a frustrated Jaehyun walked into the living room flopping onto the couch. It seemed that something bad had happened?

"What's up with you Jaehyun?" Yuta asked sitting opposite him. 
"Don't call me that." He glared at the Japanese.
"It's your name you dipshit" Yuta scoffed crossing his arms. "What. Is. Up. With. You?"
"Why should I tell you?" Jaehyun asked.
"Well maybe because I've known you since we were 5, I deserve to know how my friend is doing." Yuta watched as Jaehyun rested his own arms on his thighs, grabbing his hair a bit staring at the floor.

"I don't fucking know." Jaehyun mumbled.
"So there is something?" Yuta laughed a bit.
"Quit it." Jaehyun let go of his hair and looked at him.
"Gee you're so salty. Just tell me."
"I.. You know Taeyong?" He began slowly.
"Of course I know the boy you've been beating up-"

"He had a panic attack. And I heard... so I walked to his room and he could barely breathe at all... I wanted to laugh at him and leave. I wanted to make him shut up. You know.. throw a punch or two. I wanted to just leave him there to suffer. But my shitty self somehow managed to make its way to Taeyong. And cup that sickeningly swee- stupid face of  his. And hug him. Freaking hug him, until he fell asleep again." Jaehyun laughed, frustration lacing his voice. However there was a hint of pain under it all.

"You're saying that you helped Taeyong?" Yuta questioned.
Jaehyun nodded.
"While he was going through a panic attack for whatever reason?"
"Yes." He replied.
"The thing is if I tell you what I think is happening you're probably going to—"
"Just say it Nakamoto." Jaehyun huffed.
"Aren't you just in love with him?" Yuta watched as Jaehyun burst into tears. "W-wha-"
"You're hilarious." He cackled menacingly with tears decorating his cheeks as he collapsed back into the couch. "Hilarious! So fucking hilarious!"
"Go to bed." Yuta said bluntly grabbing him by the arm.
"When were you such a comedian? Hm? You never told me you were so good at j-jokes?" He choked on his tears for a second but continued laugh.
"You need to sleep." Yuta dragged him up to his room.
"Let go of me little prince Yuta." He chuckled.
"Jaehyun. Sleep."
"It's Jeffrey. I don't know a Jaehyun." Jaehyun giggled pushing Yuta away before walking into his room. 


Yuta sighed walking back to the living room only to see a sleepy Sicheng rubbing his eyes.
"What was so noisy..?" He yawned cutely.
"Nothing to worry about Sicheng." Yuta held his hand leading him to the kitchen. "Would you like some water?"
"Hm?" Sicheng shook his head waking himself up a bit. "O-Oh.. yes please." He nodded quickly. Yuta chuckled filling up a glass of water and giving it to him, watching as Sicheng drank it. He took the empty glass placing it in the sink.

"Let's go back to bed okay?.." Yuta held his hand leading  him back to his bedroom, tucking him in under the duvet. "Sleep well Sicheng." He got up to leave but felt a hand gripping onto his sleeve. Yuta turned around.
"Can.. can... you wait with me until... I fall asleep?.." Sicheng whispered.
"Why?" Yuta looked down at his shimmery eyes.
"It's scary on my own." He sniffed as Yuta sat down and held his hand gently, Sicheng closed his eyes slowly falling asleep. Yuta pecked his cheek and got up not noticing the blush coating Sicheng's cheeks.

I finally finished writing this chapter kdnsksn
I honestly dunno why it took me forever.
Maybe it was my long ass ride writers block ;-;
How was it for everyone? What did you think about Taeyong's panic attack and how Jaehyun reacted? What's your opinion of Yuta and Sicheng's growing relationship? and his friendship with Jaehyun?
Until next time ^0^

p.s: how was make a wish?
I'm still not over it tbh 😭

⚠️not proofread⚠️
word count: 1,014

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