[19]-[The Sea]

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The two ships had landed along the shores of Kalgin Island. Seeing the large body of water, a few of the guys quickly ran in, under the belief it was like the water they drank back on Venus, only to soon be met with disgust, "What the hell?! Why does this taste so terrible?!" Shido asked, "It's so salty!" Miké added.

"It's salt water. No one drinks the seawater around here guys." Claire said, "At least no one drinks it on purpose, it's not very healthy either."

Claire laughed to herself before looking to see the guys bringing in the cargo from the ships, "Finally," Claire thought, "We're so close. Anchorage isn't that far off now."

Upon their arrival, many of the guys took down many of the lighter items, leaving the rest until the sun came. When it did, the guys scrambled to get the rest of the cargo out of the ships. Aiding them was Rebecca and Liu, preferring to help rather than stand by and watch, "Okay, I see the guys, but where did the girls go?" Rebecca asked. Liu simply shrugged before looking around as well.

"I heard they all made request to Luka. I guess he signed off on it because I don't see them either." Miké responded.

"Why couldn't we do all this at night?" Shido complained, "The sun is shining on the water, it's blinding me. The sand is starting to burn too." Claire just sighed, "You all really don't know much about Earth, huh?"

"Nope, but Shido is good at complaining a lot." Yusuke laughed.

"All sixty-two members are here, fifty-two male, ten female. Plus Claire, Liu, and Rebecca." Louis said to Luka, "All six Sentinels, all the cargo, and all our members are here." Before heading to the ships, Louis handed the tablet to Luka, who tossed it onto the sand near Akira, sitting under a tree. Bandages wrapped on his body and left arm while his right arm was still in a sling. Beside him was the two jars filled with sand.

Many of the guys now either wore a muscle shirt or no shirt as they worked, all having well built and muscular bodies. Like them, Akira didn't wear his compression shirt, only his jacket laying over his shoulders, due to all the bandages and the order to let his wounds breath for a bit. Places where his skin was burned were still red but would return to normal over time. As for his shoulder, it seemed more damaged than before. Meaning it would remain in the sling for awhile longer.

"So what now?" Akira asked.

"Right now, we need to stay here. Repairs on the Sentinels need to be done before anything else. Especially on Sentoria due to some of the armor melting." Luka explained, "Claire has some people here that'll support her, we just have to wait until she is given the clear by them. They'll take us to the Colony. It's in a place called Anchorage."

"Luka, what're those?"

Luka looked to the sky where Akira pointed. He saw white birds flying overhead before landing on the beach or trees. Having never seen a bird before, Luka couldn't answer Akira as he wasn't sure of what they were either. With no other answer, the two simply stared at the birds, "What're you two looking at?" Izumi asked. The two looked back to see Izumi and Levy walking from the inner areas of the island, now dressed in more simple clothing.

Both wearing shorts while Levy had a pale pink tank top, exposing the midriff and Izumi wore a sleeveless light gray shirt, "Don't tell me that's why you all wanted some time to yourselves." Levy and Izumi both nodded, "That's right! We bought lots of clothes back on the Earth-02 Colonies and what better time to use them, right?" Levy said. Luka sighed and shook his head, at this point, nothing could've been done, "By the way," Izumi started, "Grace was looking over the damages and wants you to see it as well. Just so you know what she's dealing with."

Much like Izumi and Levy, the other girls had changed into much more simple clothing. Mostly, consisting of them wearing shorts and simple T-shirts or tank tops or even midriff crop tops. Showing more skin than they did on Venus. A sight that would attract the attention of the guys.

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