[36]-[Wings of Destruction]

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"Jason, we've got a report from some of the guys on Venus. Apparently the Amaryllis been getting all buddy buddy with whatever is left of the Langston family. As well as the Xai family."

"Leah has also met with a few representatives of the Jupiter and Mars Colonies. All made possible by Orpheus Kaiba."

Jason scoffed and tossed the tablet onto the table, "Banaher's age is finally getting to him, it would seem. This'll cause problems for all of us. Course, all he sees with those animals are money signs. With his bitch daughter backing them up, he won't think ill about them without any good reason." Jason said as he got up, "He's starting to go soft."

"So what? We're just going to watch as Amaryllis jerk the boss around?"

Jason smiled, "Of course not. That's why I'm having them watched. So if something happens, I'll have something on those little shits to give Banaher. Once I get that ace, then I'll have some people with higher power do something about them."

"Those assholes in NOVA look down on all of us, but if I have something that'll put us on equals, then I'll have exactly what I need to put Amaryllis in their place. All I need to do is wait for those animals to screw up. Something even Suzuki can't help them get out of."


Taking the majority of their work into digging to the unknown item, the workers were able to shave off a few weeks. Though with the ground surrounding the cluster was becoming harder and harder, it would still take more time to break through.

However, during the digging, pieces of metal had been found scattered around the hardened ground and later collected before being taken back to the Amaryllis base where Grace was quick to take them, planning to do extensive research.

Putting them under a microscope, Grace looked at the pieces with great concentration, "Anything to report?" Ico asked. Grace looked to her and shook her head, "Unfortunately I have nothing, and I don't have anything in the terminals or my tablet that could give me any clue or anything to compare it to."

"It's a light material, but it's really hard too. I've never seen any kind of material like this." Grace yawned and leaned back, "I need more equipment for this."

"A light material, but hard enough to cut like steel." Ico said to herself.

Meanwhile the dining hall, Luka met with Dante, Sora, Akira, and Izumi, "Alright, so we've made a purchase for new parts for our Sentinels. As well as new rebuilt from the ground up Lycan Units. First, we'll need to get the training finished and make sure all our Sentinels are at least at ninty percent functionality. Then your compatibility needs to be at least above eighty as well. Questions?"

"Nope nothing on my end." Dante said, "Same here. I think we'll be fine." Sora added.

Izumi nodded, "With everyone doing their part and a little extra, we might even be able to finish up our work sooner than expected."

"And don't forget, payments are coming soon." Ina said as she came in, "Not only that, but Leah has been happy with the work we've all been doing, she's decided to give everyone a little bonus too. To let you all unwind a bit."

"For real? That's insane! I know what I'm doing with all that extra money!" Sora said, "That's assuming you get all your work done, Sora." Akira said, causing Sora to stop and slowly sit back down.

"Well if that's all, then let's get out there and kick some ass." Luka said.

Once everyone left, Akira walked to Luka, "Hey Luka, were you able to find anything on the metal?" Luka shook his head, "Nothing yet. Grace is still looking over the samples, I've also sent some to Suzuki. But I'm not sure when we'll get anything back."

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