[33]-[The Great Abyss]

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"Meyer. He actually did it." Kaiba said in disbelief. He, along with Asadachi and Aria took refuge in a hidden Bunker in the manor. From there, they witnessed the awakening of the Abaddon, faced down by the Sentoria.

It was a sight seen by all in the colonies across Alaska, as well as the surrounding ships near the Earth. Kira took it as a sign. A sign to begin the assault on the fleet stopping them from reaching Earth. As well as the Chrysanthemum and Tento.

"Alright." Akira said with a smile face. With its resonating sword in hand, the Sentoria moved into a fighting stance. Preparing for its confrontation with the Abaddon, "Come on then."

* * * * * *

Giving the order to the men, Kira sent out all the Phantom Units at her disposal towards the fleet. Luka, Carla, and Genji responded by dispatching all the Knights and Sentinels they had as well.

Several Phantom Units flew in, firing their rifles as they attempted to bring down the opposing Sentinels. In a Jesta Unit, Miké flew into a Phantom Unit, slamming his axe into its chest, ripping off the front plate of armor before hitting the cockpit with the hammer end of the axe, "This is so cool. A little confusing, but I should get the hang of it soon." Miké said with a smile.

"Miké, move! Now!" Izumi ordered. Before Miké had a chance to react, Arch Angel pushed the Jesta Unit away in time to block the attacks from two other Phantom, "Th-thanks for the save Miss Izumi." Miké said, "It's fine, just be more aware of your surroundings."

The two Phantoms quickly moved away, but Izumi followed after the two, driving the spear into one Phantom Unit's chest. Then using it as a shield against the other before forcing the spear all the way through the first Phantom and into the other. Killing both pilots.

Looking back, Izumi saw another that seemed to come from nowhere, but it was quickly dealt with by Miké. Who fired his 90mm gun into its chest, "Thanks Miké. Though I could've taken it out." She said with a smile, "Yeah, I know."

"Dammit, there's just no end to them is there?" Miké asked, "Complaining isn't something we can do right now, Miké. Let's just get back to the Chrysanthemum, we can't keep going too far."

With the fleet, many of the ships were taking heavy fire from the Phantom Units. But the combined Sentinels from Amaryllis and NOVA were able to keep the losses to a minimum, "The outer ships seem to be taking the most damage, ma'am."

"Master Kaminski, there's a request to deploy the secondary unit. Should we send them out?" Rise asked, "Yes, send them out. Have them provide aid to the outer ships as well." Carla said, "How smart you are, Kira, but also very predictable." Carla thought, "The outer ships are newer and inexperienced, of course they'd make the perfect targets in battle. Cruel as it is, them serving as the Phantom's main target gives us the chance to spot a weakness."

"Don't hold back on the attacks, any of you!" Luka ordered, "Even if by some chance they surrender, don't let them live. All we need to do is hold out until Akira defeats that Sentinel. Worst case, we have to defeat all the crusiers."

Defending the Chrysanthemum was Celestia and Cocytus. Often, one would move out and become an easy target, only to then turn it around and defeat those that swarmed it. This mostly fell to Levy's task. The pilots of the Phantom Units weren't very knowledgeable in the Amaryllis, this allowed them to take advantage of the Phantom Units.

"Remember guys, once we're done. We can never look back on this shit hole planet again!" Yusuke yelled as he sent Cocytus into a Phantom Unit, physically ripping out the cockpit before crushing it, "Well now that's something to look forward to." Louis said with a smile.

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