...Chapter 6...

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        "Inuoka...let go of me.." I grabbed his wrist trying to pull him off of me. He tightened his grip once more causing me to wince and let go of him. 

           " Babe...I missed you, where have you been..?" He looked at me with a sadistic smile.  Right then i felt my legs go numb, I was scared. He shifted his hand down to my neck and held it with a firm grasp. I tried reaching for his hand again for him to let go. His "smile" disappeared. A dark look overcame his face. He tightened his hold on me and my eyes started watering. I tried harder to pull him off of me but his expression was blank, it felt like he was staring into my soul; the one he crushed.

       "P-please let me go.." I cried scratching at his arms. Then all of the sudden before he could get any words out, a punch was landed to his face. I felt the pressure let off my throat and the tears could finally run free. My hands flew up to my throat while i took deep breaths, and before i could register what happened Inuoka was pinned down. I looked to see who it was through my blurry vision.

     "Ku-Kuroo..?" I asked choking on my words, he glanced at me slightly and smiled. He went back to Inuoka. From the look on Inuokas face i could tell, I could tell he was scared. Kuroo raised his fist and brought it down with force, landing yet another punch on the assholes face. I stood there, and fell to my knees staring blankly at the scene before me.

       Before I knew it people were pulling them apart, yelling at them to "Break it up!" Someone was grabbing my arm, I pulled away away and tried my best to rid of the dry tears on my face. I stood up, forgetting about my ankle and winced at the pain. I carefully bent over and grabbed my bag, some papers flying out. The papers don't matter anymore, Kuroo knows now. Kuroo knows what I hid from him, and i'm more scared than when he didn't know. I slowly looked up to see Kuroo infront of me, everyone else had fled. He looked at me with pain in his eyes. 

    "I'm sorry.." I managed to choke out while holding back the tears. He lifted his hand to my jaw, i flinched and looked away. He put his hand back down and pulled me into a hug. No words, no pity. Genuine feelings. I felt so safe and just broke, i grabbed onto his shirt and just started crying. My head on his chest and his resting on top of mine. 

Please tell me this doesn't end...I don't think I can handle it anymore...

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