...Chapter 2...

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After a moment of silence I realized that this moment was reality. This wasn't a dream, Kuroo was standing right where he dropped me after I punched his jaw.

Im gonna die here...arent I?

I started to stand up slowly, so once I was on my feet I ran over to hide behind Hinata.

I was taller than Hinata so I had to bend over all weird, I don't think he was the best choice as a shield..-

Kuroo shifted his postion to look at me, he just smiled and walked away towards his teamates.

"(Y/N) do you have the hots for Kuroo?" Kiyoko asked appearing behind me and Hinata. My face, almost immediately, turned beet red.

"N-no..." you mumbled while turning around to face her. Tanaka started walking towards us with a big bright smile on his face. I was scared, but then realized Kiyoko was over here. Thats why hes walking over.

"Your blushing (Y/N)-Chan!" Hinata yelled holding onto my shoulders, my knees went weak. Why does my damn body betray me like this?

Author-Chan: It aint my fault.

(Y/N): Yes, yes it is.

Author-Chan: Nope you are your own person, now lets continue shall we?

(Y/N): Bu-!

I have a feeling someone is controling my every action, but who knows.

"I'm not blushing, now shush." I crossed my arms and let out a puff, trying to calm my nerves. Nekomas coach called out that it was time to go, and that Nekoma would be leaving Karasunos Campus. I relaxed myself and walked away, I didnt do much due to the fact I was late to practice. After saying goodbye to Kenma, he ignored me and left with Kuroo and his team. I walked around to clean up the gym while everyone left, then headed to class and finished my school day.

After School

Kenma didnt meet up with me at the bus stop like he said he would, instead someone else showed up. Now, its awkward. Kuroo was sitting on the bench next to the blue sign of public transportation, he has yet to notice I am here. Should I just walk home? No he might tell Kenma, and he might get worried, as I'm fidgeting around trying to decide what to do I step on a thin twig and it breaks. I snap my head up to see Kuroo looking at me wih a smile forming on his face.

" U-uh, hey..?" My voice wavering, I looked at him with my head tilted and a crooked, awkward smile on my face.

Before he could say anything the bus shows up, when we both board the bus he sat in the seat that I always sit in on the way home with Kenma. The audacity of this man... As I stood staring at him my mouth somewhat hanging open Kuroo had noticed and decided to speak up.

"You good..?" he asked, slightly tilting his head leaning forward in the seat, my seat.

I wanted to tell him that was my seat I really did, so I walked down the isle to the seat he was sitting in. "Y-yep..! Just deciding what seat to sit in..?" Talking like that to him would be too much, so I abandond the topic and chose the seat infront of him. He just hummed for a response...but it was a sexy deep hum..god damnit Kuroo. I leaned back and rested my head against the window, and brought my phone out from my pocket. I connected my bluetooth earbuds, started playing a song i listend to a lot lately.

You gave it all away, didn't even let me in.

And you gave the worst goodbye, and people ask me how I've been.

So let me tell em' Friday nights got me feeling lonely.

Saturdays are when the bottles empty..

Why'd you have to leave me...?

I know that your intentions weren't to break me, but it cuts so deep I'm dripping slowly..

These nights are getting lonely..

Why'd you have to leave me..

Im a mess in the making.

Hours become days, and days become months, without you..

And ive been self medicating, with bottles and blades, or glasses of champagne, without you.

Friday nights got me feeling lonely, Saturdays are when the bottles empty.

Why'd you have to leave me..?

I know that your intentions werent to break me, but it cuts so deep I'm dripping slowly...

These nights are getting lonely..

Why'd you have to leave me?

Don't leave me..

Don't leave me..

Don't leave me..

And these nights are getting lonely...

By the time the song was over my mind was clouded by bad memories and tiredness, and so I fell asleep.

Kuroo POV

I heard a slight vibration and looking in the direction of the sound, it was Y/N. She was asleep with phone on her lap with her screen unlocked, me being me, I pick up the phone to look at to see what kind of person she is. The first thing I see is her playlist, it was nothing but songs about self-destruction, depression, and heartbreak. I turned the phone off not wanting to see anymore, and put it back in her lap. "Y/N, who hurt you..?" I whispered under my breath while sitting back down in my seat.

We should be at our stop soon enjoy your nap while you still can..

A small breathy laugh escaped my lips while my head leaned back and I too closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

A/N: I am no normal human...i am stoopid, so dont judge my writing skillz. Sorry for the late update, i just hit major writers block, and school on top of that made things really complicated, i hope you enjoy!

Wait..should i do a flashback to why you have so many depressing songz on your playlist, or why you are depressed in the first place? Let me know if i should...otherweise dis whole thing gonna be a cliffhangers on your asses lol.

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