...Chapter 4...

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A/N: Ah, the feeling of your friends reading your fanfictions then you end up making them sad then you feel bad and just have to put a happy chapter. I'm being serious, I think she might actually cry if I put another abuse, sad or heart ache chapter. There's only one, but she says no. Frick frack tic tack. I guess I should dedicate this chapter the the big softie who almost cried. 

Dedicated to: Jackie-Chan

(Don't be alarmed its just a N/N)

......5 months after talking with Kuroo again.....



     The feeling of the ball hitting my hand. That's what I lived for.  That was my passion, jumping then hitting the ball with all I had. The stinging sensation left in my palm, it was the best feeling. 

      Then a new feeling came, a feeling I couldn't quite identify. A feeling that made me want to push others aside. A feeling that made only one person important to me. Suddenly, I had more than one passion. I can't explain this feeling, you would expect the person feeling it to understand what the feeling was. The truth, I have no clue whats happening. Is my mind messing with me? Is it lying to me? Does it want to hurt me with these feelings again...?

..End of Daydream..


       The teacher calls my name when the bell is just about to ring. I still don't answer, I am dazed from my thoughts. It's as if I was in a blank room all by myself, no sounds, no one to bother my endless dreaming.



         I jump in surprise, luckily the class was too occupied to notice the weird look on my face. At least I thought so. I heard a small snicker from the back corner of the classroom. I turn slightly to get a glance of who had seen me. When I had seen who had a sinister grin on his face, I wanted to die. It was Tsukishima. When he has even the slightest bit of embarrassing information for someone, he will use it against them; personal or not. 

      My lip trembles, scared of what he might try to do. I've seen the horrible things Tsukishima can accomplish. 

          His grim smile drops, he picks up his bag then leaves. Only then do i realize not only was I staring at him for way too long, but I'm going to be late to after school practice. I rip myself from my seat and sprint out of the classroom down the hallways, then I get to the stairs. I was so close to the bottom, but then slipped on spilled milk. Why could I only think of one person at that moment? I let out a strangled sounding yelp as I fell. 

          When I reached the bottom of the staircase a loud thump made its echo down the halls of the somewhat empty stairwell. Almost immediately I feel the steady building of intense throbbing pain in my ankle. I pulled my leg into my chest and bit my quivering lip, hopefully I could manage to hold back my threatening tears. There was no one near the stairwell, my books and papers had fallen out of my bag and were now scattered down the stairs and covering the floor. Then the most horrifying thought struck your mind.

         What if it's broken...?

A/N: Haha, just kidding it's a filler chapter. It's still sad. I've failed you Jackie. Im sorry, not really but pretend I am...

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