Day one, almost done

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After dinner, Erin Grace got dragged outside by Bronwyn and Claire. They wanted to pull her with them by her hand, but Miss Peregrine told them not to. They took her to a pretty garden. She already saw the garden, but now it was dark, which made it way prettier in her opinion. She sat down with the girls and asked them why they took her there.

"Could you tell us a story?" Bronwyn asked. "We are tired of the same stories all the time."
Erin Grace chuckled before answering. "I don't really have a story to tell, sorry." She told the girls.
"B-but, you can tell us about the year you live in!" Bronwyn pressed. She shot more examples at the new girl, until-

"Wyn, that's enough, let her get used to her new home first." A boy behind Erin Grace said, making her jump.

The girls left and the boy, Victor, sat down next to her.

"Sorry, they're a little... excited." He explained.
"Yeah, I noticed." Erin Grace chuckled.
"So, Erin Grace. How do you like it here so far?" Victor asked her.
"It's nice, I guess." She answered.
"I like your clothing style, by the way."
"Thank you."
Victor smiled and got up. "Well, I'll leave you to it then, see you later."
"Later." Erin Grace said, and the boy left.

She enjoyed the view a little and looked at Hugh and Millard playing football. Football in the dark was really fun. She wanted to join them, but decided not to since she barely knew them. She saw a boy, who she recognized as Horace, talking with Miss Peregrine before walking towards her.

"Hello, I'm Horace." He started when he got to her.
"Hello, I'm Erin Grace."
"I just heard from Miss Peregrine that we'll be sharing a room. Is that alright with you?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Great, I'll show you which room it is. Where are your bags?"
"I don't have luggage with me."
He looked at her and smiled. "That's alright. Come on, follow me."

He walked the stairs to a hallway and entered the second room. Erin Grace followed him and once she got in the room, he pointed at an empty bed.

"That'll be your bed, and that'll be your closet. If there's anything I can help with, feel free to ask." He said with a smile.
"Thanks Horace." She replied.

He nodded, but didn't leave yet. Instead, he started searching for something in his closet. The girl sat down on the bed and looked around the room. She was about to leave for the library when a boy entered the room.

"Hey Horace, do you have th- What is she doing here?"
"She is my new roommate, Enoch. And yes, I have it here, now leave, please." Horace answered, he gave the boy something. Enoch glared once more at Erin Grace, and then left. "Sorry about that, he doesn't really like new people." Horace smiled.
"It's alright." She said, standing up from the bed. "I'll go visit the library."
"Alright, have fun."

After a while, Horace found Erin Grace in the living room.

"There you are! Come on, you'll miss the reset!"
"The what?"

But instead of an answer, she had to run after Horace, making her drop her book on the couch. He gave her a mask and stood next to her.

"Why-" Erin Grace started.
"Put it on!" Victor interrupted her. She looked at him and saw him wearing it already, she quickly put it on too.

The reset started. Miss Peregrine played music. A bomb fell down from an airplane onto the house, which made Erin Grace jump slightly. Then everything went back, they went back in time. Everyone took of their masks and Erin Grace looked absolutely stunned. Which made a few children chuckle.

"Miss Peregrine, could we still have a movie night?" Fiona asked.
"Normally, I would say no, but because of our new member here, I'd say, sure."

The children cheered and ran inside. They all sat down, Erin Grace between Millard and Bronwyn.


Wordcount: 677

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