The Fight Begins

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I woke up to the Marauders, asleep, surrounding me. I was alone on the loveseat. Looking again, I realized Peter was missing. I shrugged it off, knowing that he probably was getting us all breakfast. He was the most considerate of the boys, even above Remus.

I picked myself off the loveseat, gently waking each boy. Remus and I headed towards class, but James and Sirius stayed behind to sleep.

It was James and my first free Friday together and I planned to make it a memorable one. During lunch I transfigured a teacup into a television and positioned it on a table beside the fire. I found every blanket I could and filled the loveseat with them. Finally, completing the room, I placed bowls of candy and food on the surrounding surfaces; magically preserving them to last till after classes.

I made it to my class, carefully sitting beside Remus. We exchanged glances, silently agreeing that history of magic was the last place either of us wanted to be.

Half way through the class, Remus slipped a note into my hand.

I'll end class early if you help

Remus may have been a more reserved Marauder, but he was a marauder none the less. His pranks had always been subtle and easily denied. I nodded carefully and whispered the spell Remus mouthed to me. Quickly the room filled with a smoke like gas; leaving no visibility. Remus grabbed my hand and we ran out of the room with the rest of the students.

"Seeing as my classroom is no longer usable, class dismissed," professor flitwick said angrily, never glancing towards Remus or I. We were the last suspects on anyone's mind.

"Your common room?" Remus asked, laughing, as soon as we were away from listening ears.

"Yeah, you can tell me if it's prepared for me and James' date this afternoon," I said nervously. I wanted everything to be perfect after all this time. He nodded happily as we walked towards the common room.

We walked in and sat at the table by the window, as to not ruin any of the little details I had constructed, "Lily, how long have you loved James. Answer honestly please."

"I suppose since me and snivillous stopped being friends and he calmed down. He's just, everything I've ever wanted. And luckily for me, he's been here all along."

Remus smiled In response, looking about the room. All of my changes were subtle; but would make for a great movie night. Remus and I talked until lunch rolled around, knowing that we were expected at lunch with our friends. My heart felt light with that thought on my mind. It had been ages since my friends had noticed my absences from meals; my quiet way of solidifying my loneliness. But with the Marauders would also notice my absence.

We found the remainder of the Marauders sitting at their usual spot. I settled into my spot next to James. Sirius sat on his other side, Remus across from him, Peter across from James; Peter sat closer to me then necessary as to include me in the group. I had naturally become apart of their assigned seating arrangements.

"James, meet me after class outside of the charms classroom? I want to see something," I said carefully. Our date in the front of my mind. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, before kissing my cheek and nodding.

"Anything for you, my flower," with those few words, my plan was coming along nicely. Me and Remus shared a smile across the table before turning back towards our own meals.

When lunch had ended and class had resumed, time slowed itself to a crawl. I absentmindedly scratched my notes onto my paper with a quill, paying no mind to the words being written. I walked out of History of Magic, giddy to get to charms; which, in turn, would lead me to James. But, before I could turn out of the doorway, someone yanked my arm, hard.

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