My quirk

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Overview: Most people assume that my quirk is permanently active, But I'll get to that.
There are 3 know quirk types so far.

Emitter - This is by far the most common type of quirk; they involve the generation and/or control of things outside the users own body. For example, Bakugo's Explosion or Yaoyorozu's Creation. Both of these happen to use materials that are basically generated FROM the body of the user, but the actual object or effect takes place outside the body all the same.

Transformation - This type of quirk is one where the actual body of it's user, upon activation of the quirk, is altered in some way. Examples of this are Kirishima's Hardening or Iida's Engine. These quirks happen to alter the physical appearance of the user when activated, on top of making whatever their underlying ability is activate. In the case of Iida, for instance, his calves will sprout small engines which then allow him to move at incredible speeds.

Mutant - Otherwise known as heteromorphic quirks. These are the rarest of them all, and tend to manifest in the form of visible mutations or alterations to the body that themselves are aspects of their ability. Examples would be Ojiro's Tail and Tsuyu's Frog. Typically these quirks are permanently active and also immune to Erasure.

Certain quirks fall in to a sub-type known as Accumulation; these require a buildup of some sort before they can be activated. Examples are Fat Absorption, as well as One For All, and Rewind...

On to the invisible problem. Since the USJ and Hosu (which I was actually at btw) incidents, my fans have started to wonder about my quirk.

I don't want to share to much about it for safety reasons, but I do need to get stronger or I'll be left behind everyone else in class 1-A!

Most people think that my quirk is heteromorphic, the doctors thought so and so did I. But since I was at UA I've realized that that wasn't the case.

My quirk involves fracturing light, which means that I can cloak myself.

That is my natural state. But I've realized that it doesn't have to be what I always look like.

(Sry it's so short, but I have an essay due tmrw and I haven't started it yet). Dw this is j some background, we'll get into the other stuff soon.
Also sry in advance my mind went to some weird places lol

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