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Y/N wakes up facing the wall

I slowly open my eyes and rub them. Am I still here? ... I am. I wish it all was just a dream. But, I guess I wouldn't meet all those nice people. Surprisingly, the towel I was tucked under was very warm. I almost don't want to get up... But, I guess I have to. I throw the blanket off, and while I was getting up something pulled me back down. Gonta?? But I thought I was sleeping on the floor? I turn around and tap his head.

Y/N : "Gonta? Hellooo?"

Gonta : " *yawns* Good morning, Y/N!"

Y/N : "I told you I was fine on the floor, how'd you even move me without waking me up?"

Gonta : "Gonta is very gentle, so that's probably why! Gonta also didn't want Y/N to sleep on the floor, Y/N was shaking, so Gonta carry Y/N to the warm bed!"

Y/N : "Oh, thank you, Gonta. Can I get up now?"

Gonta : "Mmm... Gonta still tired..."

Y/N : "Gonta... come on! We can't see the bugs if we don't get up!"

I got out of Gonta's arms and started shaking him. After just mentioning the bugs, Gonta opened his eyes, and sprung up. He got out of bed, and ran to the bathroom.

Gonta : "Gonta forgot! Gonta need to see if bugs come to see plant!"

Y/N : "Hehe, okay. Gonta, can you wait outside for me?"

Gonta nodded and headed outside. I tie the jacket Gonta gave me yesterday around my waist, clean up my hair and walked with Gonta to the garden.


We walk into out garden to see Himiko and Tenko sitting by a flower bed.

Tenko : "Himiko! You can't fall asleep here, not in the flowers!"

Himiko : "Nyeh, but they're so soft... and getting up would be a big pain..."

Tenko keeps trying to lift Himiko off of the flowers without damaging either. She then looks up at both of us, and jumps back in surprise.

Tenko : "Ah! Y/N! I'm so sorry that me and Himiko came here without asking!"

Gonta : "Gonta says it fine! As long as Himiko no hurt bug."

Tenko : "Well? Y/N?"

Y/N : "Uhm... is Himiko comfortable?"

Tenko : "Yeah! Plenty! She's sleeping like an angel, right Himiko?"

Himiko opened her eyes and glared at Tenko.

Tenko : "Eep! Himiko! Please don't use your magic on me!"

TW // For people who don't like Tenmiko/Himenko, there may be a bit of that in here sorry-

Himiko lazily stands up and tilts onto Tenko. Tenko puts Himiko's arm around her shoulder.

Tenko : "We should probably get going, sorry if we squished any plants, Y/N!"

Tenko was being polite and talking to Y/N because I assumed someone who goes by she/her would read this, but if you don't, then Tenko's just being polite ^^

Gonta watches them walk out the gate, waves, and smiles.

Y/N : "Heheh, this is kinda weird, but they're kinda like a couple, right Gonta?"

Gonta : "Hm, Gonta's never been in a couple before, so Gonta will just agree for now!"

Without thinking, I said-

Y/N : "What?! What do you mean? You're really nice and helpful, Gonta. I would think there's lots of people who'd wanna date you!"

I stop talking and looked up at Gonta. He's just staring at me, his mouth slightly open, his face red as a rose petal. He places his hand on his cheek, realizing his face was extremely hot.

Gonta : "O-oh... Gonta thinks that's v-very nice of Y/N! But u-uhm, Gonta isn't very smart. So nobody would want to date Gonta, haha!"

He tried to laugh it off, but for some reason confidence got the best of me.

Y/N : "I'd wanna date you. I think you're very smart." I cross my arms, almost as if I was insulted by the bad things Gonta was saying about himself.

Gonta's face was basically glowing with red. He tried to say something, but he kept stuttering. He eventually gave up, covered his face with his hands, walked to the garden's toolshed and sat down.

Y/N : "What? It's true! You're nice, intelligent, and I won't allow all these insults that you keep hurling at yourself. You're trying to become a gentleman, right? Gentlemen need to be confident in themselves!"

I walked over to Gonta, crouched down and lifted his chin up to give him a big smile just like his. The blush on Gonta's face died down, and he gave me a hug.

Gonta : "Nobody has ever been so nice to Gonta before Gonta got here. When Gonta was kid, Kid Gonta was big, no one wanted to talk to Gonta. So that's why Gonta get lost for long time."

Y/N : "I still don't understand how people would be so scared of you. You're a big teddy bear who just wants to protect everyone!"

I talked to Gonta for a while, and during our conversation, the first bug to fly over the tall walls was a ladybug which landed on the feverfew. Gonta watched the little ladybug as it flew around, inspecting each petal of the flower it chose.

Gonta : "The ladybug likes the flowers you chose, Y/N!"

Y/N : "Wow... I'm glad! Now we should plant some flowers for any bees that might wanna visit!"

Gonta : " *slight gasp* Bees!"

Y/N : "Do you know where we put the lilac seeds? I know it was in a large bag..."

Gonta : "Gonta threw the bag on top of toolshed. Bit too high for Gonta to grab though..."

I look up the toolshed, and I don't know how I didn't notice sooner how tall it was.

Y/N : "Hm... you can pick me up and I'll grab it, okay Gonta?"

Gonta nodded with a determined face. He picked me up, and I was raised to see the bag in the middle of the toolshed.

Y/N : "Woah. I might have to just..."

I reach out as far as I could from Gonta's reach. But the more and more I reached, the farther it seemed to be. So much that eventually I realized I almost leaned forward all the way, once I noticed this I was startled and tried lifting myself back up. I... uh- leaned to far back and ended up falling over anyway. Back... onto Gonta-

"Woah!" We both yelped, Gonta softened my fall. But I turned around as swiftly as I could to see if Gonta was harmed in any way.

Y/N : "Are you okay?!"

Gonta unbraced himself and quickly sat up.

Gonta : "Yup! Gonta is fine. Is Y/N okay?"

Y/N : "Mhm. Those lilacs are pretty high up, huh?"

Gonta nodded and got up to look inside of the toolshed. Turns out there was a step ladder inside, we just didn't bother looking-

We laughed and continued planting the lilacs... even though it felt so quick, it was a nice day to spend with Gonta.

Gardening (Gonta x Reader)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now