((think I'm gonna get jumped rn it's whole new year and I'm just now updating this
💥🏌️))I found myself sitting on my bed the next day, my face in my hands. My face still felt so warm, do I really see Gonta in that way? He doesn't even seem like the kind of guy to go on dates and all that sweet stuff, so it seems like I'm setting myself up for failure...
Wait, what if I just... unset myself up? Maybe I can get over this! I can see if Gonta wants to work on the garden, see how completely uninterested he is, and then BOOM! Friendzone myself! I'm a genius. I jumped off my bed, got ready for the day, and headed out the door with confidence. Mission "Humble Y/N L/N" is a go!I made sure to lock my door, and as I turned back around, I saw Gonta just a few doors away. He was smiling widely just walking towards me. I felt my confidence crumble immediately.
Gonta : "Y/N! Gonta is sorry he couldn't work with Y/N yesterday, but Gonta is going to make it up!"
Y/N : "Oh! You don't need to! But, uhm, how... Are you gonna make it up? Exactly?"
Gonta: "Gonta is going to take you there right now! ... If Y/N would like? It will be quick!"
Y/N : "Yes, yes! Of course I would!"Gonta grasped my hand and guided me towards our garden. The flowers we planted were full grown and wrapped around the gates, there were curled ribbons along the entire place, and in the center of the garden was a table. Gonta used his free hand to wave towards the scene.
Gonta : "Tadah! Gonta and Korekiyo made it just for Y/N!"
Y/N : "Gonta- W-what is this, specifically?"
Gonta : "Gonta doesn't know exactly- But it's pretty! Like..."Gonta let go of my hand and walked over to these small fairy lights that were tied into the walls of leaves.
Gonta : "These!"
Y/N : "Ooo, we had fairy lights here?"
Gonta : "We had to ask Monokuma for them!"
Y/N : "You asked Monokuma... For fairy lights??"
Gonta : "Well, were else?"
Y/N : "I... Guess that's true? But why ask him for such a random thing?"
Gonta : "Anything for Y/N! Gonta is Y/N's friend, no?"AWE. THE FRIEND PART STILL HURT BUT.
Gonta : "Although we didn't make much, Korekiyo said that Gonta should also give a gift!"
Gonta then sat me down at the table in the center. He ran and crouched in front of a flower bush, when he got came back he handed me a pre-wrapped bouquet of flowers. They didn't look like the ones we planted, but there was gift paper covering a majority of them so I couldn't see them entirely.
Gonta : "Gonta thinks this is more... Date-like? So if Y/N doesn't want this then-"
Y/N : "I'll take them. I love them."I quickly grabbed the flowers from Gonta's hands. Gonta was a bit startled, but seemed happy that I accepted them. I gently placed the bouquet back on the table and gestured for Gonta to sit with me. We talked for a few hours about lots of things, bugs, our life before the school locked, bugs again, and other stuff the author doesn't know how to add!
~ a few hours later ~
After waving goodbye to Gonta, I gently planted my face in the bouquet he gave me. Suddenly, I felt a small poke on my cheek. I lifted my head up, it was a stab from a thorn... On a red rose? The bouquet was not only filled with roses, but were accompanied with pink chrysanthemums. "How lovely," I thought at first. But then I paused, subverting had just occured to me. I walked quickly to my lab.
Inside my lab was a booklet looking into different kinds of flowers and how people use them. I quickly flipped the pages, I knew that roses had romantic meaning behind them, but I needed to find the chrysanthemums. When I did, I glossed through the paragraphs to find this sentence;
"Similar to daffodils, they signify respect and admiration. To many, chrysanthemums mean hope for the future."
Hope. For the future. And love. I must be reading into this too much, they're just flowers?? Gonta is an entomologist, he doesn't look into the meaning of flowers right?? Then, I remembered that it was Korekiyo that recommended these flowers to him. Considering that his profession is more about origins and folklore, I automatically suspected he knew something about it. I grabbed a fabric bag to put the book in and walked to Shinguuji's lab.
I knocked on the door, but creaked open. Very slowly. Very creepily. Luckily, Shinguuji was inside, reading an old journal.
Korekiyo : "Hello, Y/N."He said it so nonchalantly.
I walked towards Korekiyo, pulling out the book flipping through the pages trying to show my very sturdy evidence.
Y/N : "Kiyo, you helped Gonta set up the garden for me, right? Well he told me that you told him to give me those flowers. The roses and chrysanthemums?? Yeah, do you kno-"Korekiyo shut his journal and used a hand to put down my flower guide.
Korekiyo : "I know what they mean."
Y/N : "Ahah! Why w-"
Korekiyo : "It was Gonta's idea for those flowers, however."Korekiyo stood up from his chair and started walking to a bookshelf.
Y/N : "What? So Gonta knew what they-?"
Korekiyo : "Kehehe... No, I do not believe that he was aware."
Y/N : "Oh. Well why didn't you-"
Korekiyo : "I felt it wouldn't be that big of a deal."I'm getting real tired of being interrupted.
Korekiyo : "His intentions seemed platonic, he simply picked some flowers, and I let him off."
He placed the book on the shelf.
Korekiyo : "If you do not like them, you can express this concern to him."
Y/N : "Well it's not that I don't like them, it's just..."
Korekiyo let out a sigh.
Korekiyo : "So desperate..."
Y/N : "What is that supposed to mean?"He picked up another book, it was all old and dusty.
Korekiyo : "I think you know. Now, if you could leave my laboratory? I have to reread the story of the Caged Child, kehehe...!"He giggled as I saw a smile form under his mask. Creepy. But anyway, I couldn't think of any other concerns or complaints. So, I found myself walking back to my lab, feeling defeated. I threw the guide back onto the table, as well as the bouquet. As I did, a piece of paper fell out. It's... A note? I picked it up, and it read;
" Hello Y/N! This is a secret little note from me, Gonta! This is a thank you note, Gonta wants to let you know that Y/N has been really important to Gonta recently. Nobody has ever actually wanted to hang out with Gonta, but, Gonta is so happy that you still stay by him! Even if Gonta is stupid, scary, annoying, or anything else, he's is fun being with apparently! Hopes to being Best Friends Forever!
Love, Gonta Gokuhara "
I'm dead.
I smiled, picked the flowers back up, and neatly tucked them back into place.Y/N : "Oh, forget the mission..."

Gardening (Gonta x Reader)(discontinued)
FanfictionI'm doing this because my friend said I can write so I'm proving them wrong- Hello welcome to a Wattpad fanfic we got: • Gonta Gokuhara • Unconfirmed gender Y/N • and a really bad author