Feverfews, lilacs. That's all we have so far... but we'll all get out of this weird school soon enough! Maybe me and Gonta could make our own garden together! ... Or does he even want to keep seeing me once we get out? He just needs help with his garden to find bugs, that's all. I walk through the gates and find a few bugs swarming the flowers we planted. I walk over to a small bug, it was a bit blurry to me since I had just woken up...
Y/N : "Hello... *yawn* little buddy!"
The blurred bug turned around and flew up to me, I raised one hand up for it to land and and used my other to rub my eyes.
(Aight I was gonna draw a hand holding a bee- But you don't need that-)
Y/N : "Ah!"
Out of shock, I slapped the bee over my hand, and the stinger pierced my palm. I let out a slight yelp and tried to pick out the dead bee, yet didn't want to touch the actual stinger. Out of complete coincidence, this is when Gonta walked in. I'm not ready to die-
Gonta : "Y/N! Good morning!"
I cupped my hand and tried to smile at Gonta "Don't let him know you squished a bee." I tried to repeat in my head-
Y/N : "G-good morning, Gonta!"
Gonta : ". . . What's in Y/N's hand? Did Y/N find something?"
He crouched down and reached for my hand, I flinched away from him. Gonta had a slightly shocked and worried expression on his face.
Gonta : "What's wrong with Y/N? . . . *gasp* Is Y/N hurt!?"
He grabbed my hands and saw a small stream of blood, he reached into his pocket and took out a few tissues.
Gonta : "Is it okay if Gonta take it out?"
I closed my eyes and nodded. Gonta then carefully placed his fingers around the stinger and quickly plucked out of my hand.
Y/N : "Gonta, I'm so sorry..."
Gonta : "Why is Y/N sorry?"
Y/N : "My sight was blurry, and the bee landed on my hand... I crushed it on accident, I'm so sorry!"
Gonta : "Oh... then Gonta is sorry he couldn't protect Y/N and bee. Gonta knows Y/N didn't want to hurt the bee..."
Y/N : "Really? You're not mad...?"
Gonta : "No! It's not gentlemanly to hold grudge. Hm... now that Gonta healed Y/N... what would gentlemen do..."
He thought and mumbled for a bit, then seemed to get an idea? He bent over, lifted my hand and kissed it.
Y/N : "D-did you just-?"
Gonta : "Mhm! Gentlemen do that to help! At least, Gonta think. Again, Gonta not sm-"
Y/N : "Stop right there-"
Gonta : "Gonta sorry! But Gonta just feels bad for not knowing all the same things Gonta's friends do..."
Y/N : "What are you talking about? Gonta, you know a lot of things! Like I'd never have anyone to share my love for flowers to if you didn't know so much about bugs!"
Gonta face lit up, he seemed embarrassed?
Gonta : "Y/N too nice..."
Y/N : "Well thank you! You are too! Now let's get back to work!"
I walk inside the shed and pick up small bags full of seeds, Gonta followed. When we were all finished, we decided it's a good idea to walk around the school to find a way out for everyone. We walked through the cafeteria, the gym, the dormitories, and found ourselves in the movie room. I looked over to Gonta who had a sparkle in his eyes.
Gonta : "Woah! Look at all these movies!"
Y/N : "Yeah, did you want to watch one of them?"
Gonta : "Can Gonta? Gonta wants to watch one about bugs!"
Y/N : "Of course!"
We both sit down and start watching an unnamed movie about bees. I also found a bag of popcorn, so of course I made some. I hesitated at first since we didn't know how long it's been here, but Gonta had insisted that it must be fine since it smelled normal. Gonta was the only one eating the popcorn, but I realized I hadn't eaten ever since I got here, but like- Gonta's on the other side of the couch and that's so far- I also didn't want to disturb him, he seemed very excited by the movie. I mean, I guess he hasn't seen one in a while? "While" is probably an understatement. Ugh, why do I waste so much time by overthinking everything?? I snapped out of it and started scooting over to him, and of course. The place was so old. That the damn couch. Squeaked.
Of course it needed to do that.
I was trying to be sneaky, couch.Gonta : "Oh, did Y/N want popcorn?"
Y/N : ". . . Yes-"
Gonta : "Y/N could have just asked Gonta, did Y/N eat ever since friends got trapped?"
Y/N : "No, I didn't-"
Gonta : "Why not? It's important to eat if you want to get out of here strong! Here, Gonta's not that hungry anyway."
Gonta handed me a half full bag of popcorn.
(Welp. I have no idea what else to do, probably should've planned this out more- Sorry that this was so short-)

Gardening (Gonta x Reader)(discontinued)
FanfictionI'm doing this because my friend said I can write so I'm proving them wrong- Hello welcome to a Wattpad fanfic we got: • Gonta Gokuhara • Unconfirmed gender Y/N • and a really bad author