0|2 : Two Years

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The Doduo let out its morning cry, as the sun was rising over the horizon. The awkward cry combined with the demands of his growling stomach, waking Ash from his dreamless sleep. Before even opening his eyes, his nose picked up on the smell of Grumpig bacon and his stomach released a loud protest. Nausea washed over him, refusing to allow him to stand. He groaned in pain, curling up against Pikachu as the thought of food made him sick.

He wished silently that he had eaten something before his nap. "Pika-pi....?" The yellow mouse cuddled deeper against him as it whined, likely afflicted with the same ills. He heard a laugh from behind him, but he couldn't bring himself to move.

"Won't the two of you be getting up to eat? Gary is making you a plate."

Ash snapped at the old man in his misery, "Don't talk about food right now else Pikachu and I may puke on your beloved couch."

The old Professor responded with a chuckle before they heard footsteps leaving. The pair of suffering partners groaned in unison as the smell of bacon grew even stronger and they dug their heads into the pillows to escape the smell. Time passed slowly, but finally, the wave of nausea that assaulted them loosened its hold. With quick speed, Ash scooped Pikachu into his arms and made a dash towards the kitchen. Immediately his hand descended upon the bacon before shoving a piece into both Pikachu's and his own mouth.

They both froze as their mouth was filled with the taste, fighting their reflex to gag. With an auditable gulp, they swallowed the piece of bacon and sighed as their stomachs accepted the tribute.

"That's why you shouldn't skip meals, loser." A warm voice snickered at their struggle from across the counter. The pair paid him no mind, however, stuffing their facing before they grew nausea again. The voice sighed before placing more bacon on the emptying plate.

Before even the next serving was done, the plate had been cleaned of its contents. A content sigh escaping the pair of partners, "You're a life-savior, Gare-bear."

A soft cry of his partner followed. "Pika!"

"Well, you're welcome, loser." Gary smiled softly at his childhood friend and rival's words.

"Umbree!" The cry of his own partner sounding out its greetings as it walked inside with the Professor.

Ash smiled at the Moonlight Pokemon, petting it as it rubbed its head against his legs. "Good morning to you as well, Umbreon." The cat-like Pokemon purred. Ash glanced up at the smiling old Professor with a glare.

"I told you to wake me up after a few minutes, it's been more than a few minutes." The Professor smiled awkwardly at the threatening gaze. He hadn't expected the boy to give up his mask so easily after being in it for a few years. Luckily, a pleading look at Pikachu and his grandson saved him.

"Pikachu." The yellow mouse gaze its trainer, a concerned look that immediately softened his eyes. Gary taking advantage of Pikachu's strike laughed as he ruffled his friend's bedhead more.

"It's not like you can complain about having a good night's sleep."

Ash sighed in reluctance, "You're right I can't complain about it but it doesn't mean I'm happy about being tricked." He really couldn't complain, he felt a lot better after getting some rest. Still, it didn't sit well with him since he had wasted so much time. Every single second was precious to achieve his Pokemon's goals.

"Umbreon." The black Pokemon nodded its head in agreement with his words, making him smile.

"Tch." Gary clicked his tongue at seeing his partner be buddy with his rival. "If Umbreon had been yours, it probably wouldn't have taken her so long to evolve, she's so attached to you."

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