Yandere Malleus part 2

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Sorry about not updating my memory has been getting worse and i forgot about this book until i got some notifications for it sooo enjoy.

F/f: favorite food
F/d: favorite drink

"Ow shit my head! Wait... What the fuck? Wher- where am I?" I look around at the dim room. To the looks of it it seems like a bedroom. "How the fuck did I end up here? I can't seem to remember... Wait no.. Crowley... I remember now.." Tears stream down my face as I pull the blanket off my body. And stand up off the bed and take a few steps towards the door to leave but a chain pulls me back. "Ow!" I whine as the chain hurts my left ankle. I then hear footsteps walking towards the door. I rush quietly back to the bed, lay down and close my eyes. The door opens and in feel a heavy weight sit on the side of the bed. "Y/n? Princess I know you're awake I heard you talking." Malleus said as he brushed his fingers through my hair. I refused to open my eyes as i keep pretending to be sleeping. "Oh Y/n, please won't you open those pretty little e/c eyes I miss seeing them." Malleus pleaded. I kept my eyes closed. "Fine be stubborn your not leaving here anyway. You bound to open your eyes anyway."  Malleus then unlocks the chain on my ankle and picks me up bridal style. I tense up a bit. "Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything to you. We're just gonna go down to the dinning room to eat. You've been asleep for a whole day without food after all." I felt him walking down some stair and hallways until he came to a stop. I opened my eyes slowly to see we arrived to dinning room. It had a chandelier, long beautiful table with fancy chairs. "Oh good you opened your eyes come on lets sit you down." Malleus said. He set me down in a chair on one side of the table and attached a chain to my ankle connecting me to the chair. He walked to the opposite side of the table and sat down as a random servant brought food. "I hope you enjoy the food Y/n. I picked it out just for you. You always said you liked f/f and f/d." Malleus said eating his food. I stayed silent. "You should be saying 'thank you Malleus I love you very much' right now." Malleus said sounding like he was getting slightly irritated. "Why should I? I sure as hell don't see any reason why" I asked sarcastically. "I'll tell you one more time say thank you I love you Malleus." Malleus slightly rose his voice. "Yeah i don't think so bitch." I say trying to build confidence to say the least it wasn't working. "What do you mean yeah I dont think so?! I did all this for you! I left everyone behind for you ungrateful bitch!" Malleus said standing up and walking to me. He pulled my hair back and whispered in my ear. "Say it.". All the fake confidence i built up left my body as I was shaking in fear. I mean come on he's literally a fae and I'm just a powerless human. "Thank you Malleus, I love you." I whisper just loud enough for him to hear me. "Good that's all you had to say." He lets go of my hair amd walks back to his chair and sits down and smiles

"Better get used to this because you're never leaving princess."

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