Yandere Malleus x reader

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Malleus and I had been best friends for a long time since I've been at Night Raven College. I was stupid to trust him. He scared everyone away from me Ace, Deuce and Grim were the only ones left but not anymore.

"Y/n! Where are you?" Malleus yelled. I was behind a tall shelf in the lounge of Ramshackle dorm. "You can come out now Princess I took care of those three. They won't getting in the way of our love anymore." He said as I can hear his voice going to look upstairs.

When he went into a room a decent amount away from the lounge I started to sneak my way to the door of Ramshackle. "Y/n I'm getting inpatient get out here now!" Malleus yells in a room upstairs.

I opened the door quietly and closed it back up and ran. I ran to Crowley's office for help since one he's the headmaster and two he's basically father to me I even call him dad.

I got the door of Crowley's office and frantically knocked on the door. "Come in." Crowley said through the door. I run in and hug him tight as I sob.

"Y/n whats wrong." He says hugging me.  "Its Grim, Ace, and Deuce." I cry. "Oh dear did they do something?"

"Malleus killed them! They're dead! My best friends are dead dad!" I yell. "Oh... Oh my... Who killed them dear." He says shocked and upset.

"Malleus killed them he broke into Ramshackle when we were hanging out. I tried to help them but I couldn't... I'm sorry..." "It's ok you did good. I'm going to call the dorm heads and vice dorm heads. It's going to be ok dear." Crowley said.

After a short while every dorm head and vice dorm head excluding Malleus was in his office. "Headmaster what did you call us here for?" Jade asked as his eyes turned to me crying. "Mademoiselle whatever happened?" Rook asked.

"I need you all to restrain and capture Malleus Draconia he committed a dangerous and unforgivable crime." Crowley said rubbing my back soothingly as I sat in his lap.

"Oh dear whatever did he do?" Lilia asked surprised. "Mr. Draconia killed Grim, Deuce Spade, and Ace Trappola." Crowley said with sadness in his voice. Everyone's faces were shocked and some of them manly Riddle and Trey crying as they turned to me.

Everyone started to try to say things to comfort . "That's enough now go." Crowley said dismissing them. "Yes sir!" They all said leaving. "I need to go help." I said trying to get out of his arms. "Y/n no it's not safe." Crowley said holding onto my wrist. "I'll be ok dad everyone will help protect me." I said holding his hand. "Ok I'll be there soon I have to make some calls for help just in case the worse comes." "Thank you." I said letting go of him and walking to the door. "Gook luck dear." he said and with that I left.

I got to the courtyard only to see Malleus in a dragon form setting everything on fire as everyone attacks him. "Y/n! Get out of here!" Azul yelled running towards me grabbing my wrist. "But I'm here to help!" "That's sweet and all but he's here for you. If he sees you who know what he's going to do." Azul said. "I don't care. I'm going to do anything I can to help. It's my fault they're dead! They're blood is on my hands Azul! Please I need to do this." 

"Fine but if anything goes wrong-" Azul said before I interrupted "It won't Azul." I said hugging him.

Everone backed away so I can go to him. I walked as close I can get without being burnt alive. "MALLEUS!!" Malleus looked over to me. "Please stop this! They didn't do anything!" I yell as Malleus glared at me before turning back to his normal form. "If only you came out of hiding then all of this wouldn't have happened." he said. "SHUT UP! Riddle try casting your unique magic on him!" I yelled. "I already tried but I'll try again for them." Riddle said casting Off With Your Head on Malleus.

A heart collar appeared on Malleus. He then used his magic to get it off with ease. "Oh Y/n none of their pathetic tricks can work on me." Malleus hummed walking closer to me.

"Malleus don't take a step closer." Lilia said walking infront of me hiding me from Malleus. "I don't want to hurt you." Lilia said. "Too bad." Malleus said as the two started fighting.

They're fight lasted only a few minutes before Lilia got knocked out. Malleus then started to fight the other students that tried to protect me. In the end Malleus of course won.

He started walking to me. In no time he was standing right in front of me as he set fire to some of the unconscious and injured students.

"How could you... I hate you..." I said backing away from him. Malleus grabbed my arm and pulling me to him. "If you want all this to stop you'll stay with me forever and be my wife." Malleus whispered in my ear. 

"Azul." I said. "I'll go get the teachers hold tight Y/n." Azul said trying his best to get up. "No." I said calling out to him. "Yes Y/n?" Azul asked scared of what I was about to say. "Tell everyone I love them but especially tell Crowley he's the best parent I ever had. " I said crying while Malleus held me tight.

"No Y/n! Don't leave!!" I hear Crowley yell as he ran to me but Malleus shot fire in front of him. "Well Y/n what's your choose. You can either keep fighting and risk a lot more lives or come with me willingly and everyone will be fine." Malleus said making sure everyone heard him.

"I will go with you Malleus." I say looking over at everyone. Everyone was yelling telling me not to go but I hate to see them suffer. "Good chose my Queen. Now let us take our leave." Malleus says. "Bye dad don't forget me and i love you." I can hear Crowley crying as Malleus knocked me out then every turned black.

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