ʚϟɞ; valentines

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*°:⋆ₓₒ  ₓₒ⋆:°*gon---gon headcannons---❧ gon absolutely loves valentine's day

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*°:⋆ₓₒ  ₓₒ⋆:°*
gon headcannons
❧ gon absolutely loves valentine's day. in general he loves giving you tons of affection and giving you the best of the best, so valentine's day is perfect for him.

❧ gifts- he will usually buy you candy, chocolates, and small things he think you might like.

❧ "[y/n]-san! look at what i bought you! i got
you some milk-chocolate, this frog plushie and i got you this necklace that has our initials engraved in it! i hope you like it!"

❧ constantly telling you how much you mean to him, this boy just loves giving you compliments and sometimes you can't handle the insane amount of affection that he gives you.

❧ as for dates, he will make little picnics or bring you to special spots that having deep meanings to both of you. for example, he'll bring you to where you both originally confessed or he'll bring you to where you two had your first official date.

❧ "[y/n]-san.. you mean the absolute world to me! thank you for coming into my life and making everyday 100x better!"

*°:⋆ₓₒ  ₓₒ⋆:°*
killua headcannons.
❧ this tsundere will never, ever admit it out loud but he really likes valentine's day. he might play it off saying it's really dumb, but deep down he's really happy to spend it with you.

❧ gifts- he will typically buy you candy, anything but chocolate. that's for you to buy for him, because if he buys you chocolate- expect to receive it half eaten. he will buy you flowers and other things that alluka recommended.

❧ "h-hey.. i got you some flowers and your favorite candy. i also got you this lip balm that alluka said you might like.. im sorry if it's not a lot but i hope you know i really do love you."

❧ sorry to say, killua sucks at planning dates. most times when you do go on dates, he's begged literally anyone and everyone around him for places to go or advice. but on valentine's day, it's as if he knows exactly what to do. he will take you out on vacations, dinners, and more all funded by milluki's stolen credit card.

❧ "hey, idiot. i wanted you to know i truly do love you. i know i can be... hardheaded but i really hope you know that you're my source of happiness, love and motivation. i cant live without you, and i'm so glad i met you. i wanted to thank you for all my happiness in life."

*°:⋆ₓₒ  ₓₒ⋆:°*
kurapika headcannons
❧ kurapika knows how busy he is. so, when valentine's day comes around, he will make sure that he takes a break off of work to be with you. he truly adores the day, getting to spend it all with you.

❧ gifts- kurapika is quite creative when it comes with gifts. of course, he'll get you candy and flowers but he'll get you more. just for you, he stayed up all night writing 365 reasons why he loves you in tiny sheets of paper, and put them all into a heart shaped container for you to open 1 every morning, so you can feel his love even when he might not be home. he'd also buy you jewelry that he thinks would suit you.

❧ "darling! happy valentine's day. here are your gifts. don't even worry about doing anything today, i made sure to clean the house and tidy up everything. i want today to be a peaceful day for you. thank you for showing me love and being here for me during my hardest times."

❧ dates have always been special to the both of you. due to kurapika's schedule, dates aren't as often as you two would enjoy. although on valentine's day, kurapika tends to avoid going out. he knows how busy and hectic environments make you nervous, so he prefers staying home. whether it be dancing with you in the living room, watching a movie, or attempting to bake, kurapika really enjoys just being around you.

❧ "i love you the most. you've taken all of me, my heart, my being, and showed me how to love again. you've been with me when i felt like i was doing everything wrong, and taught me that i should care for myself and others around me. [y/n], i love you the most. never leave my side. stay with me for as long as we can be together like this. happy valentine's day."

*°:⋆ₓₒ  ₓₒ⋆:°*
leorio headcannons.
❧ leorio gets super excited for valentine's day. he knows how important this day is, so when the time comes around, he'll make sure to entirely clear his schedule and spend the day with you.

❧ gifts- leorio is very old fashion. he'll get you chocolate, flowers, and some clothes he think you might like. even as old fashion as it might seem, you know that leorio spent time and effort thinking about what he wanted to get you.

❧ "babe! happy valentine's day! look at what i got you! i got you your favorite chocolates, these pretty flowers that reminded me of you, and these clothes that you said you wanted! i love you, happy valentine's day!"

❧ leorio adores dates. he loves watching you dress up, and go out with him. he still can't believe he got with someone as gorgeous as you, so he always goes out for dates on valentines. due to his old fashion manner, he'll take you to a restaurant to eat.

❧ "you know, i'm really blessed to be able to wake up with you everyday. i love you so much, words can't even begin to describe my emotions. i love you so much, please stay with me, [y/n]. i cant wait for the day that you'll be [y/n] paradinight." he'd grin widely.

973 words

happy valentine's day ♥︎

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